John Adams Born
John Adams was born on this date. This is important becauase if he was never born, He wouldnt have been president. -
Adams got into Harvard
On this date, Adams passed his entrance exams for Harvard University. This is important becaause then Adams wouldn't have a good education. -
Adams graduated from Harvard
On this date Adams graduated from Harvard. This is important because he now has a colledge education. -
Adams set up office in Braintree
Adams studied law at night, and in 1758 he set up office in Braintree, MA. This is important because Adams needed these skills to be president -
John Adams married
In 1764 Adams was married to Abigail Smith. This is important because then he would never have his children -
Adams elected to Governor's council
In May 1773 Adams was elected to the governor's council. This is important because he is becoming a part of government. -
Boston Tea Party
In 1773 the Boston Tea Party happened. This is important because this is when America was declaring their independence from Britain. -
Adams was part of the commitee that drafted the Declaration of Independence
On this date, Adams became part of the commitee that was writing the Declaration of Independence. This is important because the Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in american history. -
Articles of Confederation written
In 1777 the Article of Confederation were written. This is important because this was 'Murica's first form of government -
Adams became an American diplomat
In 1778 Adams became an American diplomat. This is important because he is representing his country. -
Conclusion of treaty of Paris
On this date, the trety of paris concluded. This is important because it cosed the deal with france and we were no longer at war. -
Constitution signed
On this date the Constitution was signed. This is important because this is our form of government -
Washington became 1st president
In 1789 George Washington became the first president of the United States. This is important because he was our first president of the united states -
Washington DC became the nation's capital
On this date, Washington DC became the nation's capitol. This is important because everything takes place in one place and that is now washington DC -
Adams elected as VP
In November 1792 Adams was elected as the Vice President. This is important because people started to recognize him and he influenced their vote for him being president -
John Adams elected as president
In 1796, Adams was elected president of the united sates. This is important because he was eleted to lead the country as the president of the US -
Adams sent someone to France to resolve XYZ affair
On this date, Adams sent 3 people to France to resolve the XYZ affair. He called them X, Y, and Z. -
Adams in office as president
On this date adams was put into office as the president of the US. This is important because he is now the president of the entire US -
Adams signs the Alien and Sedition acts
In 1798 Adams signed the Alien and Sedition acts to keep illegal aliens in America. -
White House became president's home
In 1800 the white house became the president's home. This is important because now the president can both live and do buissnes in the white house. -
conclusion of treaty of france
On this date, the treaty of france was concluded. This is important because it concluded the treaty of france and we were no longer at war, -
The war of 1812
This is when the war of 1812 took place. It was between the US and Great Britain. This is important because it was the second war of independence in the US -
John Adams death
John Adams died on this date. He died of heart failureand pnemonia. This is important because this is the end of his life. -
50th Anniversary of the signing of the Decloration of Independence
Today is the 50th anniversary of the Decloration of Independence, the same day Adams died. This is important because it is declaring the nation's independence and freedom from everyone else