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James Monroe

  • Anglo(British)-American Convention

    Anglo(British)-American Convention
    British and American diplomats meet and discuss problems with each other that contributed to the War of 1812. They resolve most of the problems but not all.
  • The Panic of 1819

    The Panic of 1819
    A sharp decline in real estate values and a severe credit
    contraction makes inflation go up resulting in imports and exports prices going down.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    Maryland in McCulloch v. Maryland. In a unanimous decision the Court finds that states cannot tax federal agencies.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri Compromise was very important because it provided a balance between the slave states and free states by making the northern territory of Maine a free state and banned slavery above the latitude line of 36.30 of Missouri. These compromises resulted in a balance of power.
  • Monroe reelected

    This is important because if Monroe wasn't reelected he would not have been able to make decisions after December 6th 1820.
  • Missouri becomes a state.

    This is important because the Missouri Compromise was able to be used and created balance.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine was an important event because it reassured that the United States would not interfere with European political parties and if any European countries tried to influence the United States it would be taken as a threat.
  • Cherokee chiefs arrive in Washington

    This was important because the Cherokee chiefs went to Washington D.C. to go against the government's removal policies so they could stay in Georgia.
  • General survey bill

    This bill signed by James Monroe is important because it allowed The United States Army Corps of Engineers to make estimates and plans to make navigation better. This bill also bought $300,000 worth of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co stock.
  • Tariff of 1824

    This is important because it implementing protectionist measures for local factories that produced goods.