The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was lead by John Adams. It was decided to let Thomas Jefferson write the document. The Declaration of Independence is important because it was written to declare the thirteen states of America free. They were no longer under British rule. -
The signing of the U.S. Consitution
The US Constitution is the main law by which the government follows. It seperates power between the government into three branches. It states the rights that the people in the US have. The Constitution is important because it was created for an equal government and a fair way to rule the people. -
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Lewis and Clark Expedition
The Lewis and Clark expedition was a journey taken by Lewis, Clark, Sacagewa, and many soldiers. The journey was taken to find information about the West and an all water route to the Pacific Ocean. Sacagewa and her baby went along to show the Native American that they came in peace. The impact that this journey had on the US was that lots of new wildlife and information about the land was found. It convinced Americans to migrate Westward. -
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California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush began when James Marshall discovered gold in California. Many people left their homes in hope that they would make a fourtune off of gold. People traveled in wagons across the Rocky Mountains to California. This was a big impact on the US because thousands of people traveled to the West. The population of the West grew quickly. -
Emancipation Procloamtion
The Emancipation Proclamtion was written by Abraham Lincoln. The document declared that all slaves in the South were now free. This was only for the states that rebeled against the US. President Lincoln made sure that it did not free all slaves because he did not want to lose more states. This was very important because it weakend the South. Therefore it gave more power to the North which helped them win the war. -
Battle of the Little Big Horn
Battle of the Little Big Horn
The Battle of the Little Big Horn took place between US soldiers and multiple Indian tribes. The US troops were greatly defeated. This was an important battle because it was one of the last victories for the Native Americans. -
Compromise of 1877
The Compromise of 1877 officially ended Reconstruction. There were several terms. All troops were removed from the South and a transcontinental railroad was built. There was at least one Southern Democrate in the cabnit. Also the government had to help the South regain some that was lost. For all of that the South had to let a Northerner be president. This was important because it ended reconstruction and gave the South a lot of freedom. -
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Immigrantion to the US
Immigrantion was on the rise in the late 1800s and early to mid 1900s. Many people from Europe and Asia came to the US to seek opportunity. Immigrants went through Ellis Island or Angel Island to enter America. Immigrantion was important because it rapidly increased the US's population and introduced different cultures to the US. -
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The Great Depression
The Great Depression started with the stck market crash of 1929. The industry was shut down. There was little to no trade. Many companies fell. The Great Depression is influential because the US suffered a great deal of proverty because of umemployment. Many people became very poor because there was very little jobs. People ,however, did overcome the loss and get things running again. -
Atomic Bombing on Hiroshima, Japan
The bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the only use of nuclear weapons from the US in all of history. The US was involed in World War II. After the Germans surrendered the only country left that had not was Japan. The war had gone on for six years when the US decided to bomb Japan. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is important because it caused Japan to officially surrender. -
Apollo 11 landing on the moon
Apollo 11 was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Merritt Island, Flordia. Armstrong and Aldrin, the two men on the space craft, traveled three days before they reached the moon. Apollo 11 is important because it was the first space craft ever to succesfully land human beings on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first man to ever step onto the moon. Thus the famous quote" One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." -
The Hubble Telescope Placed into Orbit
The Hubble telescope was placed into Earths low orbit. It is a tool designed to take very clear and focused pictures. The Hubble telescope has given NASA some of the best poctures ever taken in space. Though it is not the first telscope ever launched it has the most uses. The telescope is important because it has helped scientist in development with astrophysics and has given NASA pictures of space. -
My Birthday
I was born on June 6th. June 6th is a was a special day because I was born on my brothers 5th birthday. So we share the same birthday though we are not twins. I have one half brother and two half sisters. They are all older than me. Now I am 13. I play soccer and track. I love music and art. I like to play all different kinds of sports. I enjoy hanging out with my friends. I am very active in my youth group and church and spend a lot of my time there.