Islamic Timeline

  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    Muhammad would go on to lead an easy life from his start. But, the death of his parents left him with his uncle, who made him a good man. The angel Gabriel then told him to spread the work of Allah to those around him.
  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632

    Lifetime of Muhammed

    Muhammed inspired many people during his life. He took what was given to him and told people about the word of Allah, and it lead to a history-altering movement.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Death of Muhammad

    Death of Muhammad
    Muhammed's life would inspire many people to continue spreading Islam. Muhammed's death leaves the problem of who will succeede him. This starts a very long factional divide between what woul dbecome Shiites and the Sunni.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Abu Bakr named Caliph

    Abu Bakr named Caliph
    The closer followers of Muhammed would go on to name Abu Bakr as his succesor. His candidacy was challenged by some of Muhammeds other followers, who wanted Ali to be Caliph. But, this was pushed away. Bakr's reign was short lived, with his death coming in 634.
  • Period: Jan 1, 632 to Jan 1, 661

    Islam's first expansion

    In the wake of Muhammed's death, the Arabs would go on to take some key lands in expanding. They take Syria from the Byzantine empire, conquer the Sassinads, and control most of North Africa and Eygpt.
  • Jan 1, 634

    Death of Abu Bakr, Umar named next Caliph

    Death of Abu Bakr, Umar named next Caliph
    Bakr's time as caliph would be short lived as he would die in 634. He only ruled for 2 years. Ali's name was againg mentioned for caliph, but Umar got the job, a follower of Muhammed, just like Bakr.
  • Jan 1, 636

    Syria controlled by arabs

    Syria controlled by arabs
    As the Muslims start their first expansion they defeat the Byzantine empire at the Yamuk river. Four years later they would go on to take the Byzantine province of Syria.
  • Jan 1, 650

    Conquered the Sassinads

    Conquered the Sassinads
    Arabs would go on to deafeat a perssian force in Eygpt and then conquer the Sassinads. At this point Eygpt and other areas of North Africa were brought under Arab control.
  • Jan 1, 656

    Umar's succesor, Uthman, is assasinated, Ali named Caliph

    Umar's succesor, Uthman, is assasinated, Ali named Caliph
    After Umar's death, Uthman was named the next caliph, but he was assasinated. Coincedintaly, Ali was at the place of his assasination and named Caliph.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Ali assasinated

    Ali assasinated
    The long line of assasinations continues as Ali himself is assasinated after a seemingly short rule of only seven years. Governer of Syria and Ali's nemesis, Mu'awiya, is named caliph
  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750

    Umayyad Empire

    The shorter lived Umayyad empire start in the middle east. During this time most of the Iberian penninsula is taken by the Arabs. The empire seemingly dies in the middle east but has a short resurgence in what is today modern day spain.
  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750

    Islam's second Exspansion

    Islam's second expansion consists of a larger portion of North Africa, some of India and the Iberian penninsula. The Arab advance is stopped the the Franks, in the Battle of Politiers.
  • Jan 1, 725

    Iberian Penninsulia ceased

    Iberian Penninsulia ceased
    The Arab advance now takes the Iberian Penninsula. This opens the door for a short Umayyad resurgence. The advance of the Arabs is later stopped by the Franks in the Battle of the Poiitiers.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Abbasid revolt. A new dynasty

    Abbasid revolt. A new dynasty
    After supposed indecent behaivior of the Umayyad caliphs a revolt against them was led by Abu al-abbas, a descendant of Muhhameds uncle. They conquered the Umayyads and the Abbisad dynasty was born.
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    Abbasid Dynasty

  • Jan 1, 762

    Baghdad Built

    Baghdad Built
    soon after the conception of the Abassid empire Baghdad was built on the Tigris river, rivaling the city of Damascus. Baghdad woudl become one of the greatest cities of it's time. Being a hub for innovation, learning, technology, and political power.
  • Jan 1, 1009

    Destruction of Cordoba

    Destruction of Cordoba
    Factionalism starts to take it's toll in Southern Spain. Civil war completly obliterates the city of Cordoba.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Baghdad captured by Turks

    Baghdad captured by Turks
    The Seljuk Turks come to Baghdad and commandeer it. The caliph of the Abbisad dynasty could still lead the religous aspects of the empire, but the military and political strength was that of the Sultan's
  • Jan 1, 1071

    Byzantine weakened by the Turks

    Byzantine weakened by the Turks
    The Seljuk Turks would then go on to fight the Byzantine empire and significantly weaken it. And, the Turks now had the Anatolian peninsula. This leads the Byzantine to call upon the rest of Christian Europe to help creat the first cursade.
  • Jan 1, 1099

    First Crusade. Jerusulam captured

    First Crusade. Jerusulam captured
    Pope Alexius 1 called upon Christians in Europe to crusade against the Arabs. The crusade would be succesful and after a long siege Jerusulam was taken Chrisitans.
  • Jan 1, 1187

    Jerusulam taken by Saladin

    Jerusulam taken by Saladin
    After procaliming himself Sultan goes on and retakes Jerusulam for Chrisitans and pushes them out of most parts of the middle east, their final stronghold being Acre.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Pope calls for crusade to take out Southern Spain

    Pope calls for crusade to take out Southern Spain
    Pope Innocent 3 called upon Christians for another Crusade. This time they would remove Islamic power from modern day spain. This was a nearly 200 year affair. They seized the cities of Seville and Cordoba.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    Byzantine falls with Constantinople

    Byzantine falls with Constantinople
    The Byzatine empire falls. Sultan Mehmet 2 now controls its capital at Constantinople.
  • Sources 3

    ""--- Cordoba The Essential Worl d History by William J. Duiker and Jackson J. Spielvogel
  • Period: to

    Rule of Harun the Upright

    This time period is known as the "Golden age" of the Abbisad dynasty, with Harun the Upright at its ruler. His son would go on to make great innovations in science and translation.
  • Period: to

    Rule of al-Ma'mun

    al-Ma'mun was the son of Harun the Upright. He fostered learnign and innovation and mand many advances in the fields of astronomy and translatin gother launguages.