Islamic Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 622 to

    Islamic Timelime

  • Sep 1, 622

    Mohammed's Escape

    Mohammed's Escape
    Mohammed the facelss prophet was to be assasinated and snuck out with a friend Abu Bakr, and united verious Medinaian tribes.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Mohammed dies

    Mohammed dies
    Mohammed dies after falling ill. Just two years after he spread through arabia.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Caliph Ali is assassinated

    Caliph Ali is assassinated
    Caliph Ali is assassinated twenty years after Umar. By the same people.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Abassid Dynasty over throws Umyyad

    Abassid Dynasty over throws Umyyad
    The Abssid dynasty overthrows the Umayyd dyasty, they built their capital in Bagdad, Iraq. It flourished for 200 years.
  • Jun 7, 1099

    Jeruselem Captured From Muslims

    Jeruselem Captured From Muslims
    During the frst crusade the Chrisians claimed Jeruselem from the Muslims.
  • Mar 1, 1187

    Jeruselum captured by Saladin

    Jeruselum captured by Saladin
    Saladin Captures Jeruselum, allowing muslims and christians to live there once again.
  • Jan 1, 1520

    Suleimen the Magnificent

    Suleimen the Magnificent
    Suleimen the Magnificent became the longwest reigning sultan as of 1520
  • Jan 1, 1543

    Abbasid Dynasty ends

    Abbasid Dynasty ends
    The Abbsid dynasty ends when the last caliph is hauled of as prisioner to constanstinople. when he died is when the Abbasid dynasty finally ends
  • Abbass the Great becomes Autocrat

    Abbass the Great becomes Autocrat
    Abbas the great at ssixteen becomes absolute monarch of Uzbeck. He easily overthrew the reigning shah, because he simply gave up.
  • Taj Mahal Built

    Taj Mahal Built
    The Taj Mahal was began in 1632 and completed in 1653 by thousands of craftsman. The Taj Mahal was used as a mausoleum to honor the dead wife of Shah Jahan