Jan 1, 610
Muhammad receiving the Quranic revelations
In about 610 Muhammad began receiving the Quranic revelations -
Jan 1, 622
Institution of Medina
Muhammad put together the Constitution of Medina in 622. -
Jan 1, 632
Muhammad dies
632 marked the death of Muhammad and the start of Islamic conflict -
Jan 1, 633
Abu Bakr fights against non Muslims
In 633 Abu Bakr had military campaigns against ex-Muslims -
Jan 1, 634
Abu Bakr declares war
In 634 Abu Bakr declared war on Byzantine Empire. -
Jan 1, 642
Umar declares invasion of Sassanid Empire
Caliph Umar ordered full invasion of Sassanid Empire in 642 -
Jan 1, 644
Uthman is caliph
Uthman was a Caliph from 644 to 656. -
Jan 1, 656
Ali is the ruler of Islam
In 656 Ali becomes the ruler of the Islamic state. -
Jan 1, 661
Ali gets assassinated.
Ali was assassinated in 661 after a civil war began during his reign. -
Jan 1, 750
Rebels overthrew Umayyad Dynasty
In 750, rebels overthrew the Umayyad Dynasty. Then a new dynasty emerged called the Abbasid Dynasty.