Nov 8, 610
gabriel speaks to muhammad
gabriels angle speakes to muhammad for the first time. muhammad was 40 years old . The talk was belived to be include in the Qur'an. -
Nov 12, 622
muhammad Hijar
in 622 the people clebrated one year of the islamic religion. muhammad and his followers then moved from mecca to medina which was thought to be the promise land. -
Nov 12, 632
muhammad's death
muhammad died in the year 622. the problem was that mahammad did'nt have a successor so he did'nt appoint someone to take over for him after his death. this created a lot of conflict on who would lead the musslims since muhammad did not have a son. -
Nov 12, 632
Abu was on of the men elected to be muhammads successor. he was elected by the shia musslims -
Nov 12, 632
Ali was elected to be muhammads successors by the sunni musslims. he was also the first spiritual leader -
Nov 12, 632
split of the sunni and shi'i
after muhammads death both sunni and Shi'i had different opinions on who should be muhammads successor this cause the split of both groups -
Nov 12, 661
Umayyad dynasty
muhammads son-in law cam to power was the start of the umayyad dynasty Ali became the successor for muhammad -
Nov 12, 750
fall of the umayyad dynasty
Abbaside took conrol of the umayyad dynasty he killed any family members of the umayyad dynasty so the dynasty eventually fell -
Nov 12, 750
rise of the Abbasid empire
the umayyad dynasty was took over and then changed to the Abbasid empire after being taken over. Abbasid seized power over muslims -
Nov 12, 1055
Abbasid moves capital of islamic
the empire was being attaked by the seljuq turks so move their capital because of all the fighting -
Nov 12, 1095
first crusade
it was a document created to kept trake of all the important events in history for the people -
Nov 12, 1258
fall of Abbasid dynasty
the turks eventually take control and take over the Abbasid empier wich is the falll of the dynasty -
house of wisdom
scholars from all over came to studies in liabraries that where know as houses of wisdom