Nov 12, 610
Muhammad encounters Gabriel
Around the age of 40, Muhammad would go out alone to the mountains so that he can reflect on life. One day during his prayer, he heard an angel call out to him. The angel was Gabriel, and he told him that he was to recite the words of God and that he needed to conert other to believe in God. -
Jun 12, 622
Muhammad's Hijra
In 622 CE, Muhammad was seen as a threat to merchants because they thought that they would not be getting as much money if everyone converted to Islam. At first he was kept safe by his tribal leader, but he eventually died so Muhammad was in danger once more. Muhammad and his followers fled to Medina where they spreaded the teachings of Islam -
Jun 8, 630
Muhammad dies
In 632 AD, Muhammad became very ill. Muhammad died with his head on Aisha's lap on June 8th. Muhammad was later buried in the same place he died. -
Nov 12, 632
Sunni and Shia
After Muhammad's death in 632 CE, a division between two groups in the Muslim communities began. These two groups had different views over the succession of Muhammand since he hadn't announced a successor. These two groups usually result in violence and turmoil, but the most favored grop is the Sunni. -
Period: Nov 12, 632 to Nov 12, 634
Abu Bakr
Abu was Muhammad's first caliph, or successor, and ruled from 632 CE to 634 CE. During his rule, he stopped the tribal and religious uprisings that was splitting up their community. He also brough central Arabia under Muslim control, and so he began a conquest. -
Nov 12, 656
Ali becomes caliph
Ali was born in 600 AD, and his father was the uncle of the prophet, Muhammad. Mahomet adopted Ali, and Ali later declared his adhesion to hte cause of Mahomet, or Muhammad. Ali became the fourth caliph after the murder of Othmon. -
Period: Nov 12, 656 to Nov 12, 661
Ali's reign
Ali ruled from 656 CE to 661 CE. During this time Ali engaged a war against the erring Muslims. His reign was during one of the most turbulent periods in Muslim history as well. -
Nov 12, 661
Ali's death
Ali was attacked by Khawarij Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam while he was praying during the month of Ramadan. He later died from the wound left to him from Khawaijj's sword. His burial spot was at first kept secret but was later revealed. There's also a rumor that his burial spot had been moved to another location. -
Nov 12, 661
Umayyad Dynasty
In 661 CE the Umayyad Dynasty began. The rule under the Umayyads was split between two branches of the family. The first family, the Sufyanids, ruled from 661 CE to 684 CE, and the Marwanids family ruled from 684 CE to 750 CE. -
Nov 12, 750
Ummayad Dynasty Declines
The first sign of the Umayyad Dynasty's decline was the defeat of the Syrian army. Then in 749 the Hāshimiyyah was declared caliph. The Umayyad family was later hunted down, and there was only one survivor who fled to Spain where he beame ruler and began a new dynasty in Cordoba. -
Nov 12, 750
Abbasid Dynasty
Durin 718 AD the family members of al-ʿAbbās tried to take control of the Umayyad Dynasty. In 747 AD the last of the Umayyad caliphs, Marwan II, was defeated in a revolt led by Abu Muslim. The proclamation of the first Abbasid caliph was then announced, and the first caliph was Abū al-ʿAbbās as-Saffāḥ. -
Period: Nov 12, 1096 to Nov 12, 1099
First Crusade
The First Crusade was at first a pilgrimage but then turned to an event sent forth to take back holy lands. Pope Urban II sent a demand to take back Jerusalem after the request of help from Alexios I Komnenos. It wasn't until 1099 that the crusade was successful and Jerusalem was captured. -
Nov 12, 1258
The fall of the Abbasid Dynasty
The Abbasid dynasty fell in 1258 when the Mongols, led by, Hulagu Khan, sacked Baghdad. When they fell, they continued to gain authority under religious matters until the ottoman conquest of Egypt egan. -
Period: to
House of Wisdom
During Caliph Haroon al-Rasheed's reign, his son established the House of Wisdom. It was a learning center that was devoted to translations, research, and education. The House of Wisdom is now one of the world's most famous centers of learning.