Islamic Civilization

  • 800 BCE

    The Golden Age

    In the 8th and 9th centuries, under the Abbasid caliphs, Islamic civilization entered a golden age. Arabic, Byzantine, Persian and Indian cultural traditions were integrated. And while in Europe, learning seemed to be at its lowest point, the Muslims created what was called "high civilization." Thanks to Muslim scholars, ancient Greek learning was kept alive and was eventually transferred to the West in the 12th century and after.
  • 732 BCE


    In 732, A Muslim army was defeated at the battle of Tours, and Muslim expansion in Europe came to an abrupt halt.
  • 720 BCE

    More Conquered

    By 720, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain were all conquered and under Muslim Rule.
  • 700 BCE

    Civilization of science, philosophy and art

    Between the 7th and 12 centuries, Islam became the center of a brilliant civilization and of a great scientific, philosophic, and artistic culture. Islam absorbed and added its culture to the heritage of Greece, Rome, Judaism, Christianity, and the Near East.
  • 650 BCE

    The Holy Quran

    Between 650-651 the prophet Muhammad (saws) revelations were compiled by his followers into what is now known as the Holy Quran.
  • 650 BCE

    Conquered Persian Empire

    By 650, the Muslims conquered the entire Persian empire.
  • 640 BCE

    Syria fell

    In 640, Syria fell.
  • 636 BCE

    Arab Raids

    In 636, the Byzantines and Persians were the first to feel the pressure of Arab raids. The Muslims defeated the Byzantine army at Yarmuk.
  • 632 BCE

    Islamic armies overran Empire

    After 632, Islamic armies overran the Empire, directly attacking Constantinople for the first time in 677.
  • 632 BCE

    The prophets death

    The prophet Muhammad (saws) died in 632 leaving question as to who would now lead the faith because he never named a successor.
  • 632 BCE

    Abu Bakr new caliph

    Shortly after the prophet Muhammad (saws) death, some of his followers selected Abu Bakr, a wealthy merchant and Muhammad (saws) father in law as the new caliph or temporal leader.
  • 624 BCE

    Prophet Muhammad (saws) Conquered Mecca

    By 624, the prophet Muhammad (saws) armies were powerful enough to conquer Mecca and make it the new center of the new religion (Islam).
  • 622 BCE

    The prophet headed to Medina

    In 622, the authorities tried to quiet the prophet Muhammad (saws) and keep him from spreading the word of his revelations, so he fled to the northern city of Medina. The journey to Medina-the hegira (the "breaking of former ties")-became the true foundation of the Islamic faith and also marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.
  • 610 BCE


    In 610, and at the age of 40, the prophet Muhammad (saws) received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel and began to preach these revelations to the people.
  • 570 BCE

    Prophet Muhammad (saws) was born

    The great unifying agent in Islamic civilization was that of Muhammad, born in 570 in Mecca and raised by family of modest means.