Islam timeline

  • 570

    Muhammad born

    Muhammad born
    Muhammad was born in 570, and was orphaned since he was a child, he was raised by his family. And since childhood he drove the caravans of his uncle, a rich merchant.
  • 622

    Escape from Mecca

    Escape from Mecca
    In the year 622 Muhammad had to flee from Mecca to the city of Medina, that was called Hijra and this date marks the beginning of the Muslim era.
  • 632

    Died of Muhammad

    Died of Muhammad
    In 632 Muhammad died, and most of the Arabs were Muslim and the Arabian peninsula politically united
  • 646

    The caliphs

    The caliphs
    The first four caliphs, how ruled between 632 and 661 were chosen from among the members of Muhammad's family
  • 700

    The Visigothic crisis.

    The Visigothic crisis.
    When the 8th century began, the Visigothic monarchy that ruled in hispania was in a crisis. The impoverishment had caused the discontent of the population, a war broke out between the parties of the monarchy.
  • 705

    The Umayyad dynasty

    The Umayyad dynasty
    The Umayyad dynasty (Syria) seized power between 661-750. They installed the capital in Damascus and promoted the great expansion, in which, other territories, included the Iberian peninsula
  • 711

    Visigothic Kingdom

    Visigothic Kingdom
    In 711 they dominated the Iberian peninsula and the entrance to Europe, where they remained until 1492, the territory ended up being called Al-Andalus.
  • 711

    The Muslim army.

    The Muslim army.
    In 711, an army crossed the Strait of Gibraltar, the Visigoths were defeated in the battle of Guadalete and there King Rodrigo dies. Muslim armies with Tariq and Muza in command occupied the south of the peninsula and took Toledo (the capital of the Visigothic kingdom)
  • 718

    Conquests of Islam

    Conquests of Islam
    Islam defeated the Berber tribes of North Africa part of the Iberian Peninsula and attacked the Franco kingdom. This happened in the year 718
  • 718

    Control of the peninsula.

    Control of the peninsula.
    In 718, Muslim armies controlled almost the entire peninsula except for the most mountainous or unpopulated areas. Some Hispano-Visigothic nobles and clergy and a small part of the population took refuge in the Cantabrian mountains.
  • 732

    Battle of Poitiers

    Battle of Poitiers
    Islam was defeated at the Battle of Poitiers in 732 and they were forced to go south to the Pyrenees
  • 737

    El emitaro dependiente

    El emitaro dependiente
    When the military conquest ended, Al-Andalus became a province dependent on the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus. The capital was established in Córdoba and a Valí was appointed to govern the emirate.
  • 801

    Expansion of Islam

    Expansion of Islam
    In the 9th century they expanded into Nubia and in Europe they occupied Palermo in 831 and invaded southern and central Italy (846).
  • 842

    The independent emirate

    The independent emirate
    In the middle of the 8th century, when the caliphs of Damascus were dethroned by the Abbasids of Baghdad, the last member of the Umayyad family, Prince Abd al-Rahman, fled his city and settled in al-Andalus. Very soon this prince broke with the Caliphate of Baghdad, proclaimed himself an independent emir with the name of Abd al-Rahman I and founded the Umayyad emirate of Córdoba.
  • 980

    The caliphate of cordoba

    The caliphate of cordoba
    In 929 Abd al Rahman III became independent from the religious authority of Baghdad, he was proclaimed Caliph, the Caliphate of Córdoba was inaugurated
  • 1004

    The Abbasid dynasty.

    The Abbasid dynasty.
    The Abbasid dynasty (750-1258) defeated the Umayyads and the capital was moved to Bagdad. During this process, some provinces separated and declared themselves politically independent from the power of Bagdad.
  • 1008

    The unity of the Caliphate

    The unity of the Caliphate
    In the year 1008 the unity of the caliphate began to break down. The aristocracy, high officials and the army struggled to escape the caliph's control and become the highest authority in his province (Cora).
  • 1031

    Al - Andalus and its kingdoms

     Al - Andalus and its kingdoms
    In the year 1031, Al-Andalus was divided into more than 25 independent kingdoms called taifa.
  • 1453

    Invasion of the turks.

    Invasion of the turks.
    Later, the empire was in the hands of the Turks who in 1453 conquered Constantinople, the Vzantine capital. This put an end to the Middle Ages.
  • 1492

    Last King of Granada

    Last King of Granada
    In 1492 the last king of Granada (Boadli) surrendered to the Catholic Monarchs