Oct 12, 632
Muhammads death
Muhammad was a prophet and a powerful lead who died. People didn't know what to do without him. -
Oct 12, 661
Abu Bakr
In 661 Abu Bakr decided to continue Mohammanda legacy. -
Oct 12, 711
Muslims enter spain
Muslim armies conquered and destroyed many lands in 711 they enter Spain then head north into France. -
Oct 12, 732
Muslim army was defeated
in 732 the Muslim army was finally defeated at the battle of Tours. -
Oct 12, 750
Damascus was captured
In 750 the Muslims found a new leader who captured Damascus. -
Oct 12, 850
Muslim states break apart
There were disagreements on different things in different Muslim states which cause civil wars and breaking apart of states. -
Oct 12, 900
Migration to the Middle east
In 900 Seljuk Turks went from central Asia to the middle east, where they adopted Islam and created an empire. -
Oct 12, 1055
Abbassid caliph left as figurehead
Oct 12, 1099
Christians captured Jerusilum
In 1099 a war started between Muslims and Christians and Jerusilum was captured back and fourth between Christians and Muslims over a span of 150 years -
Oct 12, 1187
Muslims Gain control
In 1187 Muslims gain Control of Jerusalem because of a man named Saladin. -
Oct 12, 1216
Mongols led across Persia
In 1216 mongols left central Asia led by Genghiz Khan to Persia and Mesopotamia. -
Oct 12, 1258
Baghdad Bured and looted
In 1258 Genghiz' grandson namede Hulagu burded down bagndad to kill the last abbassid caliph. -
Oct 12, 1300
Tamerlane Takes over
In 1300 a Mongol leader by the name of Tamerlane took his army to India, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Russia and successfully invaded those countries. -
Oct 12, 1492
Christians reconquer Spain
In 1492 Christians finally take back Spain since the battle of tours. -
Oct 12, 1520
The golden age
christains recoquer spain.