Islam influence on Spain

By bbarker
  • 711

    711 CE: Islamic Conquest

    Tariq ibn Ziyad leads the Umayyad Muslim forces in the conquest of Spain, defeating the Visigothic king Roderic at the Battle of Guadalete.
  • 756

    756 CE: Emirate of Cordoba

    Abd al-Rahman I establishes the Emirate of Cordoba, marking the beginning of Islamic rule in Al-Andalus (Muslim-ruled Spain).
  • 929

    929 CE: Caliphate of Cordoba

    Abd al-Rahman III declares himself Caliph, elevating the Emirate to the Caliphate of Cordoba, a zenith of Islamic civilization in Europe.
  • 1002

    1002 CE: Fragmentation

    The Caliphate of Cordoba begins to disintegrate into smaller Taifas (independent kingdoms) after the death of Caliph Hisham II.
  • 1085

    1085 CE: Toledo Captured

    Christian forces under Alfonso VI capture Toledo, a significant loss for the Muslims and a major turning point in the Reconquista.
  • 1147

    1147 CE: Almohad Rule

    The Almohads, a Berber Muslim dynasty, take control of Al-Andalus, introducing stricter Islamic practices.
  • 1212

    1212 CE: Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

    Christian forces achieve a decisive victory over the Almohad Caliphate at the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, hastening the decline of Islamic rule.
  • 1236

    1236 CE: Cordoba Recaptured

    Fernando III of Castile captures Cordoba, further diminishing Muslim control in Spain.
  • 1248

    1248 CE: Seville Falls

    The city of Seville is captured by Christian forces, marking the end of Almohad rule in Al-Andalus.
  • 1492

    1492 CE: Granada Surrenders

    The Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, captured Granada, the last Muslim stronghold in Spain, marking the end of Muslim rule.
  • 1502

    1502 CE: Expulsion of Muslims

    The Spanish crown issued the Edict of Expulsion, requiring Muslims to convert to Christianity or leave Spain.
  • 1609 CE: Morisco Expulsion

    Moriscos, descendants of Muslim converts to Christianity, were forcibly expelled from Spain.
  • 1614 CE: End of Islamic Practices

    The Spanish crown bans Islamic practices and the use of the Arabic language in public.