• 570

    Mohammad´s birth in Mecca

  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 632

    Mohammad´s life

  • Oct 14, 622


    Mohammad has to escape to Medina. The start of the muslim calendar.
  • Oct 14, 630

    The conquest of Mecca

    Mohammad gained leadership and coquest Mecca.
  • Oct 14, 632

    Mohammad´s death

    Mohammad managed to unify almost all Arabia.
  • Period: Oct 14, 632 to Oct 14, 661

    Rashidun Caliphate

    The successors spread the empire troughout Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Syria, and Persia.
  • Period: Oct 14, 661 to Oct 14, 750

    Umayyad´s Caliphate

  • Period: Oct 14, 750 to Oct 14, 1055

    Abbasid´s Caliphate