Jan 1, 656
First Civil War
Also known as the First Fitna, a civil war within the early Islamic state which resulted in the overthrowing of the Rashidun caliphs and the establishment of the Umayyad dynasty. It began when the caliph Uthman ibn Affan was assassinated by Egyptian rebels in 656 and continued through the four-year reign of Uthman's successor Ali ibn Abi Talib. It ended in 661 when Ali's heir Hasan ibn Ali concluded a treaty acknowledging the rule of Muawiyah, the first Umayyad caliph. -
Nov 7, 656
The Battle of the Camel
Sometimes called the Battle of Jamal or the Battle of Bassorah, took place at Basra, Iraq on 7 November 656. The beginning of the Battle of the Camel started as Kharjites spread false rumors to all the companions of Muhammed including his wife A'isha. A'isha heard about the killing of Uthman (644-656), the third Caliph. in this battle, the camel of Ayesha became the main target of attack -
Jul 26, 657
Battle of Siffin
Following the murder of Uthman ibn Affan, the caliphate Ali ibn Abi Talib took over. Ali sent an envoy, Jarir, to Syria to seek a peaceful solution after Uthman was murdered; Muawiyah's large army marched out to meet Ali. On July 26, 657, Ali and his general, Malik ibn Ashter, began a massive attack on Muawiyah's lines. Arbitration ended these attacks. -
Jan 1, 661
Mu'awiyah Becomes Caliph
Ali is assassinated by Muslims, and Mu'awiyah seizes power, ending the Rashidun Caliphate and establishing a family dynasty. -
Jan 1, 700
Muslims lay the foundations of Sufism, a mystical movement within Islam that focuses on personal experience with God. -
Jan 1, 711
Conquest of Hispania
Muslims cross the Strait of Gibraltar and invade the Iberian Peninsula. They control large portions of the peninsula for centuries, living with Jews and Christians and shaping Spanish history. -
Jan 1, 732
Battle of Tours
Muslims advance into present-day France via the Iberian Peninsula--halted by the armies of Frankish leader Charles Martel in the Battle of Tours. -
Jan 1, 744
Third Civil War
Muslims claiming familial ties to Muhammad challenge the ruling Umayyads. Small battles lead to a full military rebellion and the eventual defeat of the Umayyad Caliphate. -
Jan 1, 750
Abbasids take over
The Abbasid family establish Baghdad as their capital after the overthrow of the Umayyads and appoint Abu al-'Abbas al-Saffah as first caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate. They rule for over five centuries, bringing Islam to the height of its civilization. -
Death of Husayn
Husayn, 'Ali's son and Muhammad's grandson, challenged the rule of Yazid I, accusing the caliph of corruption and insisting that proper leadership of Islam belongs to the descendents of Muhammad. He and his small band of followers were massacred near Karbala (present-day Iraq). -
The Dome of the Rock Built
The Dome of the Rock is built in Jerusalem. It is the oldest Islamic monument, one of Jerusalem's and Islam's most recognizable structures. It is located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. -
Rise of Qarmatians
Qarmatians, a religious group , established a religious utopian republic in 899 CE. They are most famed for their revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate in 899. -
The Block Stone is STOLEN
The Qarmatians attack Mecca. During this time, they take the sacred Black Stone from the Ka’bah. -
The Black Stone is RETURNED
The Qarmatians restore the Black Stone to the Holy Ka’bah. -
The Second Civil War
The Second Fitna was a period of general political and military disorder that afflicted the Islamic empire during the early Umayyad dynasty, following the death of the first Umayyad caliph Muawiyah I.