Al andaluis


  • 1 CE

    Born of Jesus

    Born of Jesus
    This marks the beggining of the Christian calendar.
  • 570

    Muhammed has borned

    Muhammed has borned
    When his parents died his uncle became his legal tutor, his uncle was a rich merchant. He took Muhammad to a lot of his journeys, here is were Muhammad conected with Christians and Jews.
  • 622

    The Hijra

    The Hijra
    Muhammad emigrate from his birthplace called Mecca to Medina, because the authorities persecuted him because his ideas. This marks the start of the islamic calendar.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Death of Muhammad

    Death of Muhammad
    At this time most Arabs were Muslims and Arabian Peninsula had been politically unified.
  • 711

    Arrive of the Omeyans to the I.P

    Arrive of the Omeyans to the I.P
    The omeyans arrived te peninsula because a men called Abderramán was asking for help, the reason was that the Absids killed her family. Finally Abderramán reached help and he started to conquer it.
  • Jul 27, 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    The Visigothic king Rodrigo was defeated by a Arabian minority (The Umayyad Caliphate) The Arab minority were led by an army of Berbers
  • Oct 10, 732

    Battle of Poitiers

    Battle of Poitiers
    The Muslims arrived in southern Gaul, specifically in Poitiers. They were defeated, so they didn´t try to conquer Gaul again.
  • 750

    The Umayyads of Damascus are defeated by the Abbasies of Badgad

    The Umayyads of Damascus are defeated by the Abbasies of Badgad
    The umayyads were defeated by the Abbasids. The Ummayads were from Syria, but they conquered the Iberian peninsula.
  • 929

    Caliphate of Cordoba

    Caliphate of Cordoba
    The emir Abd al-Rahman III wanted to impose his authority in 929 he self-proclaimed and established a independent territory from the authority of Baghdad called The Caliphate of Cordoba. This caliphate was fragmented as kingdoms called Taifas (1031)
  • 979

    Military expedition to Al-Mansur

    Military expedition to Al-Mansur
    He was a famous andalus militar and political. He destroyed important cities as Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela.
  • 1031

    The Taifas kingdom

    The Taifas kingdom
    Al Andalus was divided into more than 25 independent kingdom. The Taifas were military weaker as result of the political fragmentation.As well they were smaller. One of the most importants Taifas was the nowadays Zaragoza
  • 1248

    The Nasrid kingdom of Granada

    The Nasrid kingdom of Granada
    It was the only that survided the Christian advance. Granada was one of the most importants commerce and cultural centres in Europe. It was founded by Mohamed-Ben-Nazar.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Discovery of America

    Discovery of America
    Cristopher Columbus discovered America
  • Dec 25, 1492

    Expulsion of the Muslims from the peninsula

    Expulsion of the Muslims from the peninsula
    The last ruler of the kingdom of Granada was Boabdill. He was surrendered by the Catholic Monarchs.
    He was forced to give them the keys of the Alhambra palace.