

By 17lott
  • 570

    Muhammad was born

    Muhammad was born
    Muhammad was born in Mecca to a noble family.
  • Period: 570 to Jan 1, 661

    Muhammads Journey

    The life that Muhammad lived and what happened after his death.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Becoming a prophet

    Becoming a prophet
    At the age of 4o Muhammd goes to a cave for a retreat and is visted by an angel. The angel tells Muhammad he is the Prophet and messager of God. After that Muhammad goes to spread the word of God to his followers.
  • Jan 1, 630

    Start of the Ka'aba

    Start of the Ka'aba
    In 630 Muhammad makes a symbolic visit to the Ka'aba. There he declared it as a sacred shrine of Islam and he ordered the destruction of the idols of the traditional faith.
  • Jan 1, 633

    Muhammad dies

    Muhammad dies
    Muhamad dies from an illness in 633. He dies right as Islam was beginning to spread throughout the peninsula. The teachings of Muhammad were spread and the words of Muhammad were taught.
  • Period: Jan 1, 633 to Jan 1, 661

    5 Caliphs

  • Jan 1, 634


    Muhammad dies from an illness. After his death a problem arose about who would be the next successor. After long disputes, Muhammads unlce and close advisor, Abu Bakr, is appointed as caliph or seccessor. Umar becomes the second caliph after Abu Bakrs death in 634, but he is assassinated. The third caliph is Uthman in 644. Uthman is assassinated by dissenting Muslims and succeeded by ‘Ali, 'Ali is assassinated by Muslims, and Mu'awiyah seizes power, ending the Rashidun Caliphate.
  • Jan 1, 634

    Roles of the Caliphs

    Roles of the Caliphs
    Under the power of Abu, the movement succeeded in supressing factional tendencies among some of the Bedouin tribes. Mu'awiya made the caliphate hereitary in his own family, called the Umayyads.
  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750


    Trade and Muslim culture spread though out this time.
  • Jan 1, 710

    Arab forces

    Arab forces
    Mu'awiya becomes first Umayyad Khalifa. Arab forces crossed the strait of Gibraltar and occupied southern Spain.
  • Jan 1, 717

    The Byzantine Empire

    The Byzantine Empire
    Muslim force attacked Constantinople hoping to destroy the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantines destroyed the Muslim fleet, saving the empire. Now the Byzantine Empire and Islam now established an uneasy frontier in southern Asia Minor.
  • Jan 1, 750

    The Shi'ites and revolts

    The Shi'ites and revolts
    Revolts began to start because of resentment. Ali's second son, Hussein, led a revlot along with his supporters or Shi'ites against Umayyad rule in 680. Finally, in 750 Abu al-Abbas led a revolt that led to the overthrow of the Umayyads and the development of the Abbasid dynasty.
  • Period: Jan 1, 751 to Jan 1, 1055

    The Abbasids

  • Jan 1, 762

    A new capital

    A new capital
    The new Abbasid caliphs brought great cultural change to Islam. They wanted the difference between Arab and non-Arab Muslims to be seen. In 762, the Abbasids built a new capital city at Baghdad. They wanted the new capital to take advantage of river traffic.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    Seljuk Turks

    Seljuk Turks
    The Seljuk Turks were a nomadic people from Central Asia, who converted to Islam. In 1055, a Turkish leader captured Baghdad and took control of the empiren as sultan. In 1071 the Byzantines challenged the Turks. The Byzantine Empire turned to the west for help, which led to the Crusades.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1099 to Jan 1, 1258

    The Crusades

  • Jan 1, 1258

    The Impact of the Crusades

    The Impact of the Crusades
    Christian incursions brought the Holy Land to the Sinai. In 1099, the armies of the First Crusade succeeded in capturing Jerusalem. In 1187 Saladin's army invaded Jerusalem, destroying Christian forces there. The Christians returned after the fall of Jerusalem.Their impact on the Mongols was important.
  • Work Cited

    -Duiker, William J., and Jackson J. Spielvogel. The Essential World History. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth, 2005. Print.
    -PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2014.
    6 http://3rdbillion.n
  • Abbasid Rule

    Abbasid Rule
    The Abbasids experienced a period of great rule in the ninth century. They went through a "golden age". Baghdad became the center commercial market. Caliphs became more of a hereditary autocrat. Then the rule started to go downhill. There was a shortage of army memebers, new dynasties were starting, ect.