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Isaac Newton`s timeline

  • Reading to learn

    Reading to learn
    In 1618 was published the teory with the three rules that explain the sun moviment, It was by Johan Kepler, Isaac discuver it very fast and start reading the rules.
  • And was born the genius

    And was born the genius
    In 1643 was born the person that today is conciderede the biggest cientist and fsic on the world. he was born on Woolsthorpe, one Little village next to Grantham.
  • With just 18 years old

    With just 18 years old
    When he were 18 years old he already was so smart, he went to cambridge on England and start study there.
  • His first work friend

    His first work friend
    When he was 21 years old he went to a lecture that was present to isaac Barrow, they became Friends and Barrow help Isaac in his Searchs.

    In 1665 the black plague start on Londres, Isaac in this time, was studying Alquimy, in 2 years, in this time it was too, the discover of the biggest calculum, the ''diferencial calculum''.
  • The best calculum on wolrd

    On 1670 Isaac Newton met Leibniz another famouse scientist, they were trying to do the same thing, they gathered and work in it, they finish it and today it is the most famouse calculum on world,it is used today with quimistry, fisics economy works and maths.
  • The most genius Ideas on world

    Thinking about what Galileu said and what Johannes kepler said, Isaac made the theory that today is the most important theory ion world, it`s about the gravity, the power that pushes all things down.