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Isaac Newton

  • Birth date

    Birth date
    Isaac newton was born January 4 1643 in hamlet of woolsthrope Lincolnshire in England. His farther died 3 months before Isaac newton died. He was left in the care of his maternal grandmother.
  • the concept of gravity

    the concept of gravity
    in late 1666 newton devopled the concept of gravity, after seeing a falling apple. gravity is the force that keeps us on the grounds without gravity we would be floating and objects would not be on the ground.
  • designing a telascope

    designing a telascope
    around 1670 newton has designed and constructed the first working reflected telescope. The mirror in his reflector was an advance over the lenses used in refracting telescopes such as galilieos.
  • Newtons Discoveries

    Newtons Discoveries
    in 1672 newtons discovers and in optics led to the publication of his discoveries. this publication is what created newtons fame.
  • Publishes Major work

    Publishes Major work
    in 1687 Isaac Newton publishes his major work. one of his major works that he published was the three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. the first law is when objects remain at rest and objects in motion remain in motion unless acted upon a force. the second law is force equals mass times acceleration. the third law is for every action there is an equal and oppiste reaction.
  • Elected to parliment

    Elected to parliment
    in 1689 Isaac Newton was elected to parliament. Newton runs for parliament and wins a seat and he servers for one year. Parliament is the highest legislature consisiting of the sovereign, the house of lords and the house of commons.
  • Royal Socitey

    Royal Socitey
    in 1703 newton was elected president of the royal society. the royal society is the scientific institution through which he gained lasting fame.
  • Newton reaches a new audiance

    Newton reaches a new audiance
    in 1704 by writing an English instead of Latin Newton was able to reach a wider audience with optics than with the princapla.
  • Recives A Higher Honor

    Recives A Higher Honor
    in 1705 Isaac newton recives the highest honor in the land. Isaac newton becomes one of the first british scientist to be knighted.
  • Died

    in 1727 Isaac Newton experienced severe pain in his abdomen and blacked out, never to regain consciousness. He died the next day, on March 31, 1727, at the age of 84.