Isaac Newton

  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton is born in Woolsthorpe, England
  • Goodbye Mommy

    his mother leaves him for her new husband Barnabas Smith
  • Mother comes home

    At the age of 12 Newton's mother decides to come back and pull him out of King's School, Grantham, England where he had found his love for chemistry
  • Uncle Saves Him!

    His uncle persuades Newton's mother to enroll him at Trinity College at Cambridge
  • "Quaestiones Queedam Philosphicea"

    Certain Philosophical Questions"..reveal that Newton had discovered the new conception of nature that provided the framework for the scientific revolution.
  • The Great Plague

    Newton is forced to go home to his private studies and begins and 18 month period of learning.
  • Telescope

    Part of his study in optics was aided with the use of a reflecting telescope which he created
  • Professor

    Elected Lucasian professor of Mathematics
  • Professor

    Gives the first of his Optical lectures
  • Royal Society

    Newton is elected to the Royal Society
  • Philosophical Transactions

    publishes his letter on Light & Colors
  • notes on colour

    Royal Society asked for a demonstration of his reflecting telescope and their interest encouraged him to publish his notes On Colour in 1672, which he later revised to Book One of Opticks.
  • Comets

    Newton begins to observe the Comet of 1680-81 he writes Geometria curvilinea.
  • Halleys Comet

    Newton observes Halleys Comet
  • Edmond Halley

    Halley goes to inquire Newton about the path of a planet moving in relation to an inverse-square
  • Halley and Newton

    Principia licensed by Samuel Pepys, President of Royal Society.
  • Principia

    his theory of light and color, and gained significant insight into the laws of planetary motion.
  • Parliament

    Newton represents Cambridge
  • Hooke's death

    Newton is elected president of Royal Society
  • Opticks

    This begins the feud with Leibniz
  • Royal Society decides

    in the feud between Leibniz and Newton the Society sides with Newton on the foundation of Calculus.
  • Principia

    The second edition is published
  • Principia

    Third edition of Principia is published with no reference to Leibniz
  • Death

    Isaac Newton dies