history timeline project

  • Born

    Isaac newton was born December 25 1642. A bit after he was born he had no clue who his father was and parented by only his mother. At age 12 he was enrolled at kings school of Grantham Sootin, Harry. Isaac Newton. Messner, 1955.
  • Charles I Beheaded

    Charles I Beheaded
    In 1642 the bitter struggle between king and parliament for supremacy led to an outbreak of the first parliament for supremacy led to the outbreak of the first English civil war. In 1648 Charles was forced to appear before a high court controlled by enemies where he was convicted of treason and sentenced to death. Early in the next year he was beheaded (http://www.corndancer.com/)
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    English Civil Wars, also called Great Rebellion, (1642–51), fighting that took place in the British Isles between supporters of the monarchy of Charles I. England and Wales claimed about 85,000 lives in combat, with a further 127,000 noncombat deaths. While ideas first mooted during the 1640s, particularly about religious toleration and limitations on power, have survived to this day.
  • The Restortion

    The Restortion
    Restoration of the monarchy in England in 1660. It marked the return of Charles ll as king, following the period of Oliver Cromwell's commonwealth. The bishops were restored to parliament, which established a strict Anglican orthodoxy.
  • The Plague Breaks Out

    The natural diseases for the plague was that there was no plumbing systems and there were rats everywhere. Since there was no plumbing, people would pile up waste in their homes and throw it out the window when they wanted to. Also there were no sewers to have the waste go down so it would stay in the streets and people would get sick from it. the rats would like it and want some of it and brought diseases with them from where ever they cam from.
  • Plague

    Newton received a bachelor's degree in 1665. Shortly after, he was forced to stay at home for almost two years because of the plague. While staying inside for the long period of time, Newton laid the foundations of the calculus and extended and earlier insight into an essay, '' Of Colours, '' which contains most of the ideas elaborated in his Opticks.
    Babson, Grace Margaret Knight,Works of Sir Isaac Newton and the Material Relating to Him in the Babson Institute Library Babson Park, Mass 1950.
  • 1st law of motion

    1st law of motion
    This is Newton's 1st law of motion. Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. This law was the law of inertia. he figured this law out with an apple falling out of a tree.
  • 2nd Law of Motion

    This is Newton's 2nd law of motion. Velocity of an object changes when it is subjected to an external force. The law defies a force equal to change in momentum. The formula for the 2nd la is F= m(a).
  • 3rd law of motion

    3rd law of motion
    This is Newton's 3rd law of motion. Every action (force) in nature will have an equal and opposite reaction. A force is a push or pull that acts upon an object as a result of its interaction with another object. Forces always come in pairs- equal and opposite, action and reaction force pairs.
  • The Great London Fire

    The Great London Fire
    The worst fire in London's history. It destroyed a large part of the City of London, burning 87 parish churches and more than 13,000 houses. It started in King Baker's house near London bridge. It raged out Monday and Tuesday and was extinguished by Thursday.
  • After Plague Years

    After Plague Years
    After Trinity College reopened in 1667, Newton was elected to a fellowship. The professor wanted newton to expand his knowledge a little more. newton didn't and he chose the work he had done in optics as the initial topic.
  • Laws Of Motion

    Laws Of Motion
    In 1687, Newton discovered the laws of motion, optics, gravity and calculus. They were known as the 3 laws of motion. These were relations between the forces acting on a body and the motion of the body.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    Called the Revolution of 1688 or Bloodless Revolution. The result of the war was deposition of James ll. During this Revolution there was no blood involved at all and barely anyone was wounded.
  • Mint

    Newton was appointed warden of the mint, to oversee the implementation of a new currency. The Royal Mint was then in the Tower of London and it was accordingly to the Tower that Newton came in April 1696 to take up his new duties. He leaves Cambridge and goes to London.
  • The Royal Society

    The Royal Society
    After the death of Robert Hooke, Newton was elected president of royal society. Newton had dedicated his Prindpia in 1687 only to ignore it steadfastly when he moved to London, stood at a low ebb during the early years of his residence in the capital city. Hooke's death in March 1703 removed an obstacle and prepared the way for Newton's election as president at the next annual meeting on St. Andrew's Day, 30 November.
  • Death

    Isaac Newton died on March 20, 1727. He died in London. His heath started to Deteriorate when he was 8. He was only allowed to eat vegetables and broth for a period of time because his bladder started to weaken. In 1727, the pain from his bladder stones grew worse and on March 19,.1727, he blacked out, never to regain consciousness. He died at age 85 and was buried at Westminster Abbey.North, John David. Isaac Newton. Oxford University Press, 1967.