the day patrick star was born in dublin ireland on may 17 1857 -
immagrated to america going thru the immagration station at eliss island in new york city -
check in
when he arrived at ellis island there was a check in with the docters to make sure he didint have any diseases. -
moving on
i promised to vote for boss tweed because i was desperate for a job and a place to stay. so he got me a job building sky scrapers and he let me move in a slum with a bunch of other people. -
I meet a man
after i am done getting checked in withj the docters at ellis island immagration station i meet a man namd boss tweed. he promised me that he will get me a job and a place to live. but he can only do that if i promise to vote foe him in the upcoming elections -
Saving up
i was saving up for my family to come over and live with me and maybe move into a better house but then i got robbed by one of boss tweeds men. and i lose it all while he still has my vote to be in office. and that is when i learned not to trust anyone in the new world.