Photographic Timeline

  • Invention of Lithography

    Lithography allowed for drawings to be replicated in duplicates and mulitples
  • Thomas Wedgewood and Davy, presented "An acount of method of copying paintings upon, glass, and making profiles by the agency upon nitrate silver".

    The article that was presented was the first showing of photography in England. It did present exposure issues.
  • Joseph Nicephore Niepce had the first photograph

    The photograph took 8 hours to make the image.
  • Daguerreotype was invented

    The Daguerreotype was invented in Paris, France. It was thought that Daguerre had captured the first photograph of a person.
  • Henry Fox Talbot inveted the Calotype

    This was invented in 1839 and was significant because it was the first photo to demonstrate a negative.
  • Publishing of Ana Atkins book using the cyanotype technique

    This book published was the first using the cyanotype technique.
  • "The Pencil of Nature" was published

    Henry Fox Talbot published a book of photographs. It was the first book that was published that used silver gelatin photographs.
  • The first use of Photogaphy for social/documental process

    Hill and Adamson were thought to have been the first to use photography in a social manner. They took photographs of men and women which at that time was seen to be extensive.
  • Mexican American War

    This is important because photographs of war started during this time.
  • The Wet Collodion Process Was Invented

    This was invented by Fredrick Scott Archer and was an important early photographic technique because it was the first time photographic material had to be coated.
  • "The Valley of the Shadow of the Valley of Death" was photographed

    Roger Fenton took this photograph and it is significant because it was the first time war was being photograph. He was controversial in some regard because he altered photos to present a different image to the audience.
  • Crimean War

    This war was fought between the Russians and the British. This war was fought due to the pressure that Russia placed on Turkey.
  • Lewis Carroll Photographed Alice Liddell

    This was critical because Lewis Carroll began photographing young girls in the nude and was the photographer for Alice in Wonderland. His photographs of young girls and women in the nude were viewed as works of art.
  • "The Origin of Species" was published

    Charles Darwin published this book and it was critical for scientific information and photographs during this time period.
  • The Battle of Melegnano

    This war was an important test for the French to see what the Austrians were going to make an attempt at a second war.
  • Civil War

    This war was fought between the north and the south. It was important because they were fighting about the issue of slavery.
  • Alexander Gardener's Photographic Sketchbook was published

    This was critical because his sketch book was about the war. This was the first sketchbook published with art about the war contained inside.
  • Photograph of Poling Marsh Hay

    Peter Henry Emerson photographed Poling Marsh Hay and this was important because it was the kick start of image manipulation.
  • Mathew Brady photographed Abraham Lincoln

    This took place in 1960 and it was important because this was the first photographs that were taken of Lincoln.
  • The term "orientalism" was used

    The term "Orientalism" was used by Edward said. It was used to describe non western people in photographs and in life.