Industrial Revolution

  • James Watt

    James Watt
    James Watt was an inventor, engineer, and chemist, most widely known for his improvements of the steam engine. He invented a means of effective circular motion that could power a wheel. In large factories, they used this to produce and power their business. Not only improving industry, he also improved transportation hugely as his invention was used in trains and even cars. His simple idea is still used today to help power our world and has become a basic aspect of modern mechanics.
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    The cotton gin was invented by James Hargreaves and was a machine that by the spinning of a wheel, would allow 8 cotton threads to be spun at once. This allowed more threads and yarns to be produced by fewer spinners, enabling cost-effective mass production. It improved the individual lives of many, especially those of children who now had affordable clothing. Our economy flourished and trade also boomed as well.
  • Thomas Malthus

    Thomas Malthus
    Thomas Malthus was an English economist, scholar, and demographer most widely known for his beliefs on population growth and Malthusian growth model. He exhibited that population grew exponentially while food supply grew at a linear rate, demonstrating that poverty would continue to grow unless something was done. This developed a new way of thinking for the future world, portraying that in order to preserve our world, changes would have to be made, especially in conservation.
  • Utilitarianism

    Utilitarianism is an idea that advocates actions that provide the most happiness and pleasure and disapproves of actions that cause unhappiness. Most advocated by Jeremy Bentham, utilitarianism suggests that the more-pleasurable choice would also be the moral choice. This way of life gave changed the lives of everyone, helping them lead individual lives instead of just living in the same life of everyone else. From this, we created a better society and greater diversity.
  • Socialism

    Socialism is the political and economic theory that advocates that production, distribution, and exchange should be regulated by a community as a whole. First represented by Thomas More, socialism reduces governmental and individual economic injustices, as well as improving the economy as best as possible in such given area. This idea improves diversity through multiple, smaller controls. Social classes are eliminated and fairness shines through, emphasizing many ideas of modern life.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney and was a machine that pulled the cotton fibers from the cotton seed itself. This improved the separation of the two, also reducing the human labor needed for the separation, much of whom were slaves. It also progressed the invention of many other machines that were able to produce useable products from cotton. It more than doubled the use of cotton, making it easy and more affordable to make and others to consume products such as clothes.
  • Interchangeable Parts

    Interchangeable Parts
    Interchangeable parts were first invented by Eli Whitney and were used to assembly muskets in standardized patters so that when broken, only that broken part had to replaced and not the whole gun itself. Interchangeable parts evolved in many other products around the world, making it easy to fix products efficiently and cost savvy. It also conserved resources in war, allowed mass production, and widened specialized job opportunities.
  • Mutual-Aid Societies

    Mutual-Aid Societies
    Mutual-aid societies are organizations that provide benefits or help to its members when they are affected by various negative environmental factors. For racial groups, they provide a sense of belonging and unity. In terms of economics, this idea has helped save many families affected by death, struggling economy, or low income levels. Overall, this idea creates a active, equal, and cleaner world, helping everyone in need find a way.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin was a naturalist, biologist, and geologist, most widely known for his contributions to science and evolution. He published many works, such as the Origins of Species, traveling all over the world to observe nature, coming up with the idea of natural selection. He expanded the knowledge of our world, helping us understand where exactly we came from. We still use his theories today, teaching them all over the world. He developed the whole science perspective of life.
  • Alfred Nobel

    Alfred Nobel
    Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, entrepreneur, inventor, engineer, and philanthropist, most importantly known for his invention of dynamite and founding of the Nobel Prize. He favored the progressive world, furthering the advancement of war, explosives, science, and mathematics. His 355 patents helped ensure the invention of of Nobel Prize, leaving his legacy and motivation for the whole world.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    Thomas Edison is arguably the most important inventor in all American history, inventing the lightbulb, photograph, and motion picture camera. He also improved the telegraph and telephone. He gave light to the world 24 hours a day, allowing our world to function out of daylight. From him, we are able to visually see our history and capture memories of our everyday life through photos. Among this, he also enabled further and more-efficient communication between us and the rest of the world.
  • Communism

    Communism is a social and economic idea that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production are owned and controlled by the public. Communism focuses on the welfare of areas of a whole rather than individual gain. Everyone is treated equally, controlled by the state. Communism is important because it improves general production, education, health, and society. Such countries around the world give insight on world advancement, especially in the world of technology.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    Social Darwinism was based on the ideas of Charles Darwin and was a theory that states that human groups and races are subject to the same laws of natural selection much as plants and animals. In society, this meant that certain people or groups were more successful because they were just simply better. In history, this was important because it helped explain aspects of slavery and why some societies died off. Even today, it helps explain such injustices within races, ethic groups, and cliques.
  • Airplane

    The first airplane was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright, being a gas-powered, propeller driven biplane that initially covered 120 feet. As time went on, the brothers as well as many others, invented better engines and flying resources and methods to fly state-to-state and eventually country-to-country. This increased communication within the world, enabling trade and safer travel. Planes also revolutionized war, as they became a new way of transport in battle.
  • Assembly Line

    Assembly Line
    The assembly line was invented by Ransom Olds and is a manufacturing system where a belt moves with a product on it and workers along the belt add a factor to assemble the product. Each person is specified to work one aspect of the product as it moves along, getting more effective at putting on that part as time goes on. This revolutionized manufacturing and made it able to mass produce products for consumers more cost effectively, meeting demands. It also provided many employment opportunities.