Industrial revolutions invention

By Munirm6
  • Period: to

    Transatlantic Slave trade

    There would be auctions in America to buy slaves. Buyers competed to buy the slaves, the best slaves would usually get auctioned their.
    America also sold goods to Europe such as: Rum, Tobacco, Sugar and cotton. Europe sold a lot of goods to Africa such as: Spirits, Muskets, Flint's, Knives, Cotton, Tubes, Wine, Gun powder. In return they would get Slaves.
  • Period: to

    Transatlantic Slave trade

    Africa sent a lot of slaves to America although their would be terrible condition on the ships. Africans themselves would sell people from other tribes to trade for goods
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    The steam engine was made by Thomas Savey in 1698. It basically condense steam in a cylinder. The steam engine was helpful
    as it created many changes to technology at the time such as steam locomotives.
  • Automobile

    The Automobile was made in 1770 by Karl Benzes. A automobile helped you transfer goods faster and you could communicate way better! its basically a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitny 1794. It was a machine that filtered cotton. This machine not only did it make people look bad, it reduced labor, Produced cotton in bulk. Although it made slavery increase.
  • Computer

    The computer was first invented by Charles Babbage in 1822, although at the time it was called the " difference engine". The computer was mainly used as a calculate at first but the computer also started other inventions as well as it started ti bring science. The computer made everything easier, with saving work to buying and selling things online.
  • Factory act

    Factory act
    Children under the age of 9 were permitted to work.
  • Telegraph

    The Telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse in 1837. The Telegraph is a communication system where information is transited over a wire. This invention was very useful in the industrial revolution as it sent messages from distance and it made it easier to communicate.
  • Mines Act

    Mines Act
    Children and women were not allowed to work under group due to the working conditions.
  • 10 hour act

    10 hour act
    Children and women were not allowed to work more then 10 hours a day.
  • Dynamite

    Dynamites was invented by Alfred Nobel in 1866. Dynamite was very useful in the industrial revolution as it made mining faster, building faster, and it was easy to do. Dynamite is an explosive that you would light up using fire.
  • Telephone

    The telephone was invented by Alex Graham Bell. It was one of the best inventions at the time as it allowed people to talk from a far distance. The telephone is a transmitter and a receiver.
  • Airplane

    The airplane was invented by Wilbur Wright in 1903. The airplane is a aircraft that is propelled by a engine. The airplane was useful as it helped people transport to different countries much faster.
  • Television

    The television was invented by Philo Taylor Farnsworth. It was useful for its entertainment, it delivered news and made emergencies were easier to handle.
  • Radio

    The Radio was invented by Nikola Telsa. It was very very useful as well as cheap.It would give information to anyone in the area at the same time, the information would be useful as it would usually be about the weather forecast or the latest news.