Independence of Americalatina

  • Independence of Haiti

    François Dominique Toussaint-Louverture se hizo cargo de una revuelta de esclavos en el lado francés de la isla de Hispaniola y la condujo entre 1793 y 1802. Se enfrentó al español, al inglés y al francés, hasta su captura, exilio y muerte en Francia. En 1803, Jean Jacques Dessalines finalmente derrotó a los franceses tropas y, en 1804, declaró la independencia de Haití.

    The independence of Latin America was the historical process of the rebellion of its inhabitants against Spanish colonial rule and the formation of independent national states. It began with the proclamation of Sovereign Boards in 1809.

    Economic:he Bourbon reforms drowned the economy of the

    Social: was resentment over the prerogatives of the Spaniards. The disputes between Spaniards and creoles for management positions extended to all areas.
    Ideological: The forerunners of independence became aware of the differences between the colonies and the metropolis, highlighted the
    value of their own and raised the alternative of the fatherland as a
    separate entity from Spain.

    When proclaiming the Sovereign Boards, the
    South American Creoles held three theses:
    The rejection of Napoleon's claims to
    America, the loyalty to Ferdinand VII and,
    most importantly, the illegitimacy of both
    Joseph Bonaparte and the colonial
    authorities appointed by the Spanish king,
    who no longer had any power.

    Let us remember how the independence of Guayaquil was proclaimed (9-10-1820), the arrival of the patriot army commanded by Antonio José de Sucre, and its triumph in Pichincha (24-05-1822), which culminated the independence of the Great Colombia. Let us remember, also, that Bolivar defeated the royalist pastures in the battle of Bomboná, and entered triumphant Quito (16-06-1822) and, later, he waited for the president of Peru, General José de San Martín,
  • Quito the first in the history of Spanish America to proclaim

    Quito was to be the first in the history of Spanish America to proclaim, on August 10, 1809, a government of its own, not appointed by the Crown. Pronto proclamarían sus reuniones,
    inmediatamente, durante todo 1810, Caracas (19/04), Buenos Aires (25/05), Bogotá (20/07) y Santiago de Chile (18/08)
  • The scream in Mexico

    In Mexico, the priest Hidalgo would give in the town of Dolores (Guanajuato,
    16/08), the scream of independence moved exactly by the same ideals:
    "Long live the Virgin of Guadalupe! Down with the bad government! Long
    live Fernando VII! "

    In the first, Simón Bolívar -Memberof the Caraqueña boards of
    1811- was named new militaryleader, and in 1813 he liberated Mérida and Caracas in the so-called Admirable Campaign, cities that gave him the title of "Liberator", unitedforever to his first name.
    It was the greatest force that would leave Spain in the course of the war: 65 main ships, 18 of battle, a ship of the line of 74 guns, 15,000 men, accouterments, and provisions.

    The Oriental Republic of Uruguay, fed up with its disappointments with the centralism of Buenos Aires, and after the War with Brazil (1825-1828), it would be established as an independent entity in 1828. In this action, Artigas no longer participated, since he was exiled in Paraguay. Another federalist initiative was led by General José de San Martín, who promoted the Congress of Tucumán, which founded the United Provinces of South America (9-07-1816).

    San Martin was not discouraged and decided to continue with his plans, only now he first had to liberate Chile. The crossing was epic, but, as they had planned, the six columns met less than a month later in the Aconcagua Valley and although it suffered a serious defeat in Cancha Rayada (19-03-1818), it triumphed in the decisive battle of Maipú (5-04-1818), assuring the independence of Chile.

    Morillo soon resumed control of Venezuela and New Granada. But, in 1817, Bolívar, Piar, Páez, and other Venezuelan leaders reactivated the war. Bolivar faced and defeated Morillo in Calabozo, in 1818. However, later, Morillocounterattacked and defeated Bolivar in the valley of Aragua.A few months later, the royalist army was defeated in the battle of Carabobo, the final victory of Venezuela's independence (June 25, 1821).
  • PERU

    The uprising in favor of the independence of the Realista Regiment Numancia -integrated by Venezuelans and Quiteños - opened the doors of Lima to San Martin (July 5, 1821), and forced the viceroy La Serna to leave the city and enter the mountains, with an army still very numerous. San Martin declared independence (28-07-1821) and was appointed Protector of Peru with full civil and military authority.

    The priest Miguel Hidalgo was placed in front of the Indians and peasants and launched, as we saw, the "cry of independence" in the town of Dolores. Throughout three years, it obtained triumphs with its army and occupied several cities of Mexico, but was defeated in Guadalajara and executed by the realistic authorities in 1811., but only when Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was proclaimed
    president of the Republic in 1833 Spain only recognized Mexican
    independence in 1839.

    After the explosion of the battleship Maine in the port of Havana, hedeclares war on Spain. The intervention of EE. UU precipitated the Spanish defeat and Cuba proclaimed its independence in 1899, although it suffered the American occupation.