Basic background 1683


  • Period: to


    Events From History
  • Benito Cereno is published

    Herman Melville publishes a book about Amasa Delano, a Sea captain who stumbles across a battered looking slave ship. Piloted by Don Benito Cerino, a timid but polite captain, Amasa Delano begins to suspect something is not quite right. He is correct in thinking that, as he learns that the slaves took over the ship and killed the captain. What is interesting about this book, is that throughout history, when this book is discussed, one can never be certain if it is a Pro or Anti-Slavery novel!
  • Slavery Abolished in the U.S.

    Slavery Abolished in the U.S.
    After a 4 year long war, the North won, and President Abraham Lincoln introduces the "Emancipation Proclamation" to congress. It is signed almost instantly. I think Lily would be happy to hear that her mother figure, Rosaleen, was free. Even though racial tension and inequality barely dropped.
  • Kongolandsbyen "The Human Zoo" Opens

    Kongolandsbyen "The Human Zoo" Opens
    1914 Jubilee World Fair in Norway Kongolandsbyen was a zoo opened 1914 May, in Norway. The Zoo was exclusive to the 1914 World fair that was coursing the globe. Unlike the majority of modern attractions, instead of using animals, the organisers for the event used Native Africans as the exhibits. Although it happened fifty years before "The secret life of bees" is set in, I believe that Lily would have been confused, if not a little upset.
  • The UN signs the UDHR

    The UN signs the UDHR
    The UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights), was signed into law by the United Nations General Assembly, declaring that slavery worldwide is to be abolished.
    Another thing that was signed into law before the setting of "The secret life of bees", but it was a slow acting movement in the U.S.
  • Emmett Till is Murdered

    Emmett Till is Murdered
    Emmett Till left his hometown of Chicago to visit his relatives in Mississippi. While he was there, he made the mistake of flirting with a white woman whose husband was the jealous type. The husband (Roy) and his half-brother (J. W.) went to Till's Great-Uncle's house, and the pair brought Till to a nearby barnhouse until gouging out one of his eye, and shooting him through the head. I believe that Lily is a nice person, and the death of anyone would make her upset.
  • Nelson Mandela Imprisoned

    Nelson Mandela Imprisoned
    Nelson Mandela is imprisoned for five years, on the charge of attempting to leave the country without a passport. Two years later, he is charged with a life sentence of sabotage with several other members of his protest.
  • First Black Superhero

    First Black Superhero
    The First prominent black superhero, "The Black Panther", is featured in one of the episodes of "The Fantastic Four". Later, Marvel Comics funded the characeter's own series.
    "The Black Panther" comics debut was actually three months before the "Black Panther Party" was formed.
    Until around the eighties, the majority of the southern states banned any novel or graphic novel that supported black 'Propaganda'. "The Black Panther" was sadly, no exeption. So it was unavailable to Lily.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assasinated

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assasinated
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assasinated in room 306 at the Lorainne hotel. The killer, James Earl Ray, had recently undergone Rhinoplasty, supposedly to disguise himself for the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    This happened around the same time as "The Secret Life of Bees".
  • Nelson Mandela released

    Nelson Mandela released
    Thirty-two years after his initial imprisonment and four years after he was released from prison, Nelson Mandela then served as President as South Africa for five years. I'm not entirely sure how Lily would react to this, I can only assume only good emotions would follw, but she may also have a neutural point of view towards Nelson Mandela.
  • Barack Obama In Office

    Barack Obama In Office
    The first African-American President, Barack Obama, was elected into office in 2005. Barack Obama graduated from Columbia University and Harvard law school, where he worked as the president of the "Harvard law review".