Period: 1789 BCE to 1799 BCE
French Revolution
The French Revolution was important due to the social higharcy that they had at the time. Making the people who were born low class and making them live in there own filth is not something to do. The King at the time had a very big castle were they had a bath tub as well as a toilet. While the people lived in there own waste. This led to a uprising, the Reign of Terror and many people died.If this had never happened France would never gotten to where it is today, and its a very beautiful place -
480 BCE
Battle of Thermopylae
This event is important because the Spartans who fought in the Hot Gates fought with only 300 men. This shows that that skill is more better the strength in numbers. If it wasn't for a sources telling the Persian the Spartans would have most likely won the war. This battle proved that the Spartans training was at the highest peak and helped fighting strategists today. As well as all of the courage theses men had to take on more then 100,000 Persians, the 300 almost cut down all of the Persians. -
Period: 27 BCE to 1453 BCE
Roman empire
The Roman Empire was a very important time in Europe and effected the world. The Romans took over as many places they could take over and forced there religion on very many people. They were also the ones who supposedly killed "Jesus" on the cross which caused a lot of hate to them. They had also done a lot of harsh slave laber to whites and blacks. The Romans were very ruthless people and the places they took over would not want to let them go.
http://www.ancient.eu/Roman_Empire/ -
European Imperialism
The European Imperialism was a very important event in the world cause it helped many places become more technolgicaly advance. This helped many other place with medican, but this caused a lot of death as well as just all take over for example Africa lost almost all of its welth from all the natural resorses they took. This was bad but helped many places needed the help from places and without it we would be where we are today with technology.
http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/westn/imperialism.html -
Period: to
This was a very important event in the world and nearly destoryed all of Eruope. The war made much techological advactages in war. The Tank, Machene gun, rifles, and gas were all made for this war. Because all of the things that were made is destoryed most of france and germany and left all of Eruope in random trenches and desroyed turane. After the war they made it to where Germany had no power.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I -
Period: to
This war in my opinion is the most Important event in history due to the massive genocide that accrued in the war. This war Adolf Hitler killed 6 million Jewish and many other people in death camps and just shooting them. The war was also very bad a lot of bombings and death happened leaving Europe in Ruins again. The propaganda during the war was also a very big part to get people to join the war as well as show them that the enemy is bad.
http://www.history.co.uk/study-topics/history-of-ww2 -
This event is important cause it put America on high alert for a very long time. Not only did they destroy the twin towers but they killed many people and hurt America. After this aftermath the finding of terrorist and Osamma Bin'ladin was at a all time high. Flying in America was even harder to do cause of all the securely that was placed into them
http://www.911memorial.org/ -
Period: to
War in Afghanistan
This is important due to the increased Terrorist activity
all over the world. This was really a big fight for oil as well. Terrorist active was very big and led to the attack of 9/11 which overall led America to join in this war. not soon after the NATO jumped in at the beginning of 2003. The Taliban were very big part caused they killed many people which struck fear into a lot of people
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Afghanistan_(2001%E2%80%9314) -
Death of Osama bin Laden
This was a big event for the inturer world due to how many lives he took from indocint people. Osama was the leader of Alcida and was the big soucse of all the Terroiset attacks. Many nations were looking for him to capture him and his death let off a lot of relefe from America as well as many other nations who sufferd from his attacks.
http://americamagazine.org/content/all-things/osama-bin-ladens-ghost-lurks -
ISIS attack on paris
This attack gave a high alert for ISIS and made the whole world focus on them, and the safety of the people of Paris. This also gave another high alert for big terrorist attacks and put many people on high alert