Important Dates in Us History

By bre4288
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    I believe that world war two is a significent event in Us history, because it was the biggest war in Us history. I is also a very important war, because of what happend. There were so many events like Pearl Harbor.
  • Kennedy Assasination

    In Dallas, tx, on the day of 1963, president Kennedy was driving in a car through Dallas, waving to everybody. Everybody was so excited to see, but they did not know what was to come. Suddenly, a loud shot was fired and president Kennedy was dead. Everybody in the audience started going crazy. It was like a wild rampage. He was assasinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Someone later, shot Oswald.
  • Moon Landing

    I believe this is an important event in US history, because nobody had ever been on the moon before. Neil Armstrong was able to represent America by stepping foot on the moon. Everybody in America was so excited that their country was the first to represent the moon.
  • UT Shooting

    At the University of UT (University of Texas) everybody was enjoying a nice day at the college campus, when a loud shot was fired and and later, 13 deaths. It was a huge tragidy for America and expecially UT. This day in US history will never be forgotten.charles wittman was the guy that killed the students. He was later caught and killed.
  • Mt. St Helens Eruption

    On May 18 1980, there was an eruption in Washington, US. Mt. St. Helens erupted at 8:32am, killing 57people and wounding many others. This was the deadliest, most destructive volcano in US history, destroying 250 homes and 47 bridges. Railroads that were 15 miles long were destroyed and there was a lot of damage.
  • Columbine Attack

    This is a very important event in us history, becase, nobody was expecting it. It just happend so suddenly. On April 20, 1999, at a school named Colenvine. Everyone in the school was just enjoying a nice day. Things were just going as normal. Then, two High schoolers came into the school and started shooting random people. 13 people died and 21 students were injured. It was a trajic day in US history.
  • 9-11 Attack

    I believe this is an important event in US history, bacause this was one of the worst things that had ever happend to America. On one nice day in New York City, Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers, killing thousands of people. Nobody was expecting it. Many inisant people died and people trying to save the people inside the building like fire fighters, died aswell. Not too long after another plane crashed into the pentagon, killing many people. Another plane also crashed in an open field.
  • Osama Bin Ladden Death

    In Abbotabad Pakastan, on May 2 2011 Osama been Laden was killed by a group of navy seals team six. It was one of the greatest accoplishments the Us has ever made, and the Americans felt a lot better that the master mind behind all of the attacks was gone.
  • Aurora shooting

    On July 20 ,2012 there was massacre at a movie theater in Aurora, Colarado. While many people were gathering to see the midnight premire of The Dark Knight Rises, they had no idea of what was coming their way. A man named James Eagan Holmes walked into the theater that was playing the Dark Knight Rises and shot rapidly into the audience, killing 12 people and wounding 58 others.It was a very tradgic day for America. The man was later arrested.
  • Neil Armstrong Death

    On August 25 2012, Neil Armstrong died in Cincinatti, from blocked coronary arteries. America was more shocked than ever that Neil Armstrong was no longer alive. Even though America knew that the day was to come, they didn't expect it to be so quick. The death of Neil Armstrong was shocking for America, but America knows what he has accomplished and we will never forget.