Imperialism Timeline

  • 1400

    Europeans began to sail south

    Europeans began to sail south around the continent of Africa in an attempt to reach the wealth of silks and spices found in India and China.
  • 1500

    Europeans Build trading posts

    Europeans knew that Africa
    had many resources and
    important trade routes they
    wanted to control.
  • 1500

    European traders began to sell Africans guns and European made goods

    Europeans began to sell, goods and guns in exchange for slaves
  • Europeans colonizing other countries

    The Europeans were taking over other countries for their resources
  • Europe Has taken over almost all of Africa

    Europe took over almost all of Africa for their goods, resources and trading routes.
  • Africans began to seriously rebel against colonization.

    Africans didn’t like the colonization that was happening so they began to rebel.
  • South Africa was granted independence

    South Africa was granted independence By Great Britain. Although white people were a minority.
  • Kenya began a political organization

    They made this organization to fight for their freedom.
  • Kwame Nkrumah introduced Pan-Africanism

    Pan-Africanism was a belief in the unity of all Black Africans worldwide
  • white South Africans made apartheid law

    Apartheid is a policy of legal separation based on race.
  • Sudan gained independence

    Sudan gained its independence from Great Britian
  • people in the south rebelled against northern rule

    This resulted in two civil wars from 1956-1972
  • Ghana gains independence

    Ghana finally gains its independence, which pan-Africanist helped them do
  • Belgium Congo became independent

  • Independence came to Rwanda

    after which violence broke out and the Hutu took control.
  • Kenya became independent

    Kenya became independent after many years of fighting for their freedom.
  • Mandela was arrested

    He was sentenced to life in prison for his actions
  • Joseph Mobutu seized power In Belgium Congo

    The country was unable to create a stable, fair
  • Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent.

  • F.W. de Klerk was elected president

    De Klerk realized that apartheid could not continue.
  • De Klerk ended the apratheid

    he announced the end of apratheid and
    released Nelson Mandela from prison
  • Mandela and de Klerk got awarded a Nobel Peace Prize

    They were awarded this for their work in
    ending apartheid.
  • Hutu began to engage in genocide

    Hutu began to engage in genocide against the Tutsi people.
  • South Africa held its first open election

    South Africa held its first open election in which Mandela won
  • Tunisia began to agitate for a more democratic government

  • Qaddafi was captured and killed

  • President Ben Ali resigned

    President Ben Ali resigned and a democratic government was elected
  • Mubarak was forced to resign

  • Mubarak was replaced by an Islamic fundamentalist government led by Mohammed Morsi

  • Morsi’s term was short because his government was overthrown by the military