Imperialism in Africa

  • 1400

    Beginning to trade in South Africa

    As the golden age of exploration was upon them, they sailed to trade with Africans. This started the slave trade in Africa
  • 1500

    Guns for slaves

    At the beginning of the 1500’s, English traders started to trade their guns for slaves.
  • The start of Imperialism

    By the early 1800’s, countries started to colonize Africa
  • The beginning of the Great trek of the Boers

    A mass group of Dutch speaking colonists migrate past their colonies to find bigger and better land.
  • Suez Canal opens

    Suez Canal opens after almost a decade of construction. It is very small and only a few ships can fit through the Canal
  • Britain takes Egypt

    Because of the Suez Canal, Egypt wanted to make sure no one rebelled, so they took the whole countr
  • British Seizure of Transvaal

    Great Britain conquered Transvaal because of border disputes between the Boers and the Zulus
  • Belgium makes colonies in the Congo

    King Leopold establishes new colonies in Belgium, the start of a long tragety.
  • French conquest of Algeria

    Although this started in 1830, it wasn’t until 1879 when the French ruled their
  • France takes north Africa

    In the race to get as many countries as they could, France started to look north to the northern countries in Africa. They controlled the majority of them and there
  • Germany and Portugal join the race

    Germany and Portugal take over countries south of the Sahara
  • Ethiopians defeat the Italians

    The Ethiopians hold off the Italians in their race for Africa
  • Belgian Congo Terror

    Many natives to the Belgian Congo where tortured and mass murdered. If they caught back, they would cut their limbs off
  • South Africa is Independent from Britain

    Although they have their independence, many Europeans still live in the country, and they are more powerful and wealthier than the African population
  • ANC created

    After issues with the minority white government in South Africa, The Africans create ANC
  • Britain loses everything

    Devastated by WWI, Britain loses many of their colonies in Africa, only holding on to some
  • Kenya start their own political organization

    After being destroyed by Imperialism, Kenyans start their own government, which starts the fight against Imperialism
  • Italy finally invades Ethiopia

    After almost 50 years of tension, Italy finally invades Ethiopia
  • Rebelling against Imperialism

    Inspired by WWII, Africans fought back against their leaders and made lots of their countries independent, and most of the Europeans left.
  • Apartheid

    The minority white group in South Africa make a law that separates white and black people
  • Ghana gains independence

    Inspired by the movement of Black African Unity, Ghana finally gains it’s independence
  • Kenya and Nigeria fight for freedom

    Jomo Kenyatta and Nnamdi Azikwe agitate for their countries freedom
  • Nigeria declares independence

    Nigeria fought against Britain for long enough that they now were free
  • Belgium Congo issues

    After declaring freedom in 60’, There was no stable government and for 5 years there was conflict
  • Kenya is Free

    After 40 years of Rebellion, The Kenyans are finally free
  • Nelson Mandela sentenced for life

    Mandela, the most famous ANC member, was sentenced in prison for life.
  • Joseph Mobutu claims Congo

    With 5 years without a government, a dictator named Joseph Mobutu declares himself “Leader” of the Congo
  • Mobutu renames Congo Zaire

    After showing his cruel and harsh tactics, he renames the country Zaire, and would rule for another 32 years
  • Igbo make Biafra

    Because of their conflict with many ethnic groups, the Igbo people split and make a new country, Biafra. This did not go well
  • Steven Biko killed

    After South Africans make ANC, many of their members are killed, including Steven Biko, who was made famous by a song from Peter Gabriel
  • Steve De Clerk Frees Mandela

    De clerk realizes that Apartheid is wrong and he frees Mandela from Prison
  • De clerk and Mandela end Apertheid

    After freeing Mandela from Prison, they together win a Nobel Peace Prize for their actions
  • Mandela is elected President of South Africa

    In South Africa’s first open election, Mandela wins by a landslide