Imperialism in Africa

  • Apr 11, 1400


    People had no say what would happen.
  • May 15, 1402

    Slavery and what would happen.

    The slaves would work for years and get treated like dirt while the land owners would be rich.
  • Feb 27, 1500


    They started to make trading posts
  • Jul 31, 1500


    In 1500 Africa they started to sell guns

    They wanted to control a lot of the trade routes.
  • Trading opium

    The Chinese found something that they would buy.
  • World war 2

    The African Americans thought that they should protest during world war 2.
  • Land

    Germany and Portugal also claimed land in Africa south of the Sahara. By 1900 Europe had taken over nearly all of Africa. The only country to remain uncolonized was Ethiopia though Italy did invade the country in 1930.
  • Britain

    Britain grabbed more land in western, central and southern Africa while France seized most of West Africa.
  • Slavery

    They had little or no pay and they would have there hands chopped off.
  • Revolting

    The policies of apartheid led to violent Revolts
  • White South Africa

    In 1948, white South Africans known as Afrikaners made apartheid law
  • Afrikaners

    In 1948, white South Africans known as Afrikaners made apartheid law. Apartheid is a policy of legal separation based on race
  • Sudan

    Sudan gained its independence from Great Britain in 1956
  • Ghana

    Ghana would gain its independence in 1957

    Line in Africa wasn’t good after INDEPENDENCE.
  • Rwanda

    Independence came to Rwanda in 1962 after which violence broke out and the Hutu took control.
  • Lawyers

    Instead of becoming a clan leader, Mandela instead went to school to become a lawyer. As an adult, he
    began to protest aparheid. In 1964,
    Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life
    in prison for his actions.
  • Mandela

    In 1964,Mandela was arrested and sentenced to life
    in prison for his actions.
  • Seizing power

    in 1965 Joseph Mobutu seized power
  • Independence

    In 1976 the Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent.
  • De klerk

    F.W. de Klerk was elected president
    of South Africa in 1989. de Klerk realized
    that apartheid could not continue
  • Mandela

    In 1990, he announced the end of apartheid and
    released Nelson Mandela from prison.
  • Election’s

    In 1994, South Africa held its first open elections in which Nelson
    Mandela was elected the new president.
  • Hutu

    1994 when Hutu began to engage in genocide against the Tutsi people. Between 800,000 to 1 million Tutsi people were murdered.
  • Arab spring

    In 2010, people in Tunisia began to agitate for a more democratic government
  • Mubarak

    Mubarak was a dictator who had controlled Egypt for 30 years. He was forced to resign in 2011.
  • Ben Ali

    In 2011, President Ben Ali resigned and a democratic government was elected. Similar victories occurred in Algeria and Morocco.
  • The killing

    Qaddafi was captured and killed in 2011, and a new government was elected.
  • Getting over thrown

    Morsi’s term was short because in 2013, his government was overthrown by the military