Imperialism in africa

  • 1400


    Eropions began to trade with Africans on the south of The Saharah
  • 1500


    They started trading Africans guns and European goods for slaves
  • 1500


    Sadly slavery was already a part of Africa before the Urupions got there but they greatly increased the slave trades.
  • 1500

    Slave transportation

    Those slaves that were bought were than moved across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americans to farm sugarcane rice and cotton.
  • 1500


    Around 13 million people were removed from there homes and 20 percent of those taken from there home did not survive the middle passage.
  • 1500


    The increase of guns to Africa caused more fighting among different groups made it easier for europeans
  • Colonization

    The Europeans began to make trading posts in Africa and by the 1800s they were colonizing and taking over a country one by one fore the resources it has
  • Britain

    Britain began seizing Egypt to gain control over the seize canal which is connected the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea
  • France

    France took control over most western north of Africa Spain and Italy also gained territory over Morocco and somAlia
  • Land

    Britain grabbed more land in the central and southern area while France seized most of west africa Germany and Portugal also claimed land from the south of the saharah by the 1900s Europe
  • Belgium Congo

    The worst country colonization is the Belgium Congo they worked them for little or no pay.any attempt to rebel would be violently punished.
  • No more slavery

    Even thought Europeans banned slavery and built railroads schools hospitals and roads.European colonization devastated the people and cultures of africa
  • South Africa

    In 1910 South Africa was granted independence from Great Britain.although whit people were a minority in South Africa the government and business.
  • South Africa

    In 1910 South Africa was independent from Great Britain although white peoples were a minority
  • Rebel

    The Africans started to rebel in the nineteen hundreds inspired by the events of World War Two .in Ghana in the 1940s the Kwame Nkrumah introduced the idea of pan Africansicim witch was a belief in all black unities combined acrossed the world ghana would gain its independence in 1957 it inspired Joao Kenyatta in Kenya and Nnamida azikiwe in Nigeria to agate for freedom the kikuyu people of Kenya began a political organization in the 1920s to fight for freedom in Great Britain
  • Revolts

    Police violence led to revolts The Africans formed the national congress to work for government change But there leaders often jailed.
  • Afrikaners

    In 1948 Afrikaner’s Made the arthetheid law which separated by race black South Africans we forced to work were white domaine
  • Segregation

    Blacks could not marry whites they also had poor heath care and schooling And black South Africans were not allowed to vote
  • Steven Biko

    Steven Biko was murdered and aressted by police His murder drew the attention to famous singers who began to protest against the arthatheid
  • Peter Gabriel

    His death went faumous because of the singer peter Gabriel
  • Kenya

    It took years but kenya gained independent in 1963 Joao Kenyatta would become the newly independent Kenya’s first leader in 1960 Nigeria became independent after a feirce struggle against the British
  • Independence

    Life was not perfect in africa after independence.countries that had been colonized were ecicnomicly devistated.things were difficult becase the Europeans had drew country lines without regard to where ethnic groups were located.
  • Congo

    Congo became independent in 1960 the country was not able to create a country fair government
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela was going to be a clan leader but then decided to go to law school.he started protesting against the arthetheid in 1964 he was sent to prison on a life sentence
  • Joseph mobutu

    In 1965 Joseph modutu seized power.he renamed the country Zaire and ruled uninterrupted for 32 years.
  • Biafra

    The actions of the Igbo launched a civil war witch over one million people died before Igbo agreed to remain part of Nigeria
  • Nigeria

    Nigeria suffered from violence amoung its many ethnic groups in 1976 the Igbo people tried to declare themselves independent.
  • Protesting in prison

    Nelson Mandela would not be silenced he continued to protest in prison F.w d. Klerk was elected president In 1989 and let Nelson Mandela out and ended the artheid law In 1990
  • The Nobel peace prize

    In 1993 Nelson Mendela and f.w. De Klerk were awarded the Nobel peace prize for there work
  • Africas first vote

    In 1994 South Africa held its first election witch nelson Mandela was elected president