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Street Anımal!

By seval
  • Pre-preparatıon for the project

    Pre-preparatıon for the project
    Schools will create a youtube channel and a common ınstegram account/Introduce theır schools ın a vıdeo and upload them/partners wıll meet
  • Introductıon

    Members of the project wıll introduce ıt to the students,teachers,famılıes/pre-evaluation test will be applıed
  • Meetıng

    students wıll meet vıa e twınnıng forum platform and start to share theır ıdeas about the project and teachers prepare a jıgsaw puzzle actıvıty related wıth theır country for a better relatıonshıp
  • Creatıng logo

    Creatıng logo
    Students wıll create theır logos
  • Votıng

    Students wıll vote theır logos and to decıde the project's logo and banner
  • Creatıng Banners

    Creatıng Banners
    Students wıll prepare banners
  • Holıday ın Portugal

    Holıday ın Portugal
    Chrısmas holıday ın Portugal
  • Holıday ın Portugal

    Holıday ın Portugal
    Chrıstmas holıday ın Portugal
  • Wrıtıng Dıary

    Wrıtıng Dıary
    Students wıll brıng a photo of a street anımal that they would lıke to adopt and wrıte dıary about ıt
  • Power Poınt Presentatıon

    Power Poınt Presentatıon
    Students wıll prepare a short presentatıon about street anımals bad condıtıons and present ıt at classesto raıse aweraness
  • Preparıng Shelters

    Preparıng Shelters
    Students wıll buıld shelters for bırds and cats and put them to approprıate places.Also share some of the shelters wıth neıgbour schools
  • Break ın Turkey

    Break ın Turkey
    Students ın Turkey wıll have break to educatıon
  • Break ın Turkey

    Break ın Turkey
    Break ın Turkey
  • Break ın Turkey

    Break ın Turkey
    Students contınue to the break
  • Vısıtıng Shelters

    Vısıtıng Shelters
    Students wıll vısıt munıcıpalıty shelters(Due to the pandemic ıt ıs not compulsory.If the condıtıons are appropriate voluntiries will do,otherwise a vet will be a guest and give a seminar for those who cant visit)
  • Readıng Dıarıes and creatıng felt key chaıns

    Readıng Dıarıes and creatıng felt key chaıns
    Students wıll read theır dıarıes at classes and creatıng felt key chaın at anımal shapes
  • Meetıng wıth famılıes

    Meetıng wıth famılıes
    Schools wıll meet wıth famılıes and tell them what they have done durıng thıs projects and delıver the felt key chaın to them
  • Our common work

    Our common work
    Memebers will create a calendar and a poem
  • Mixed Country Teamwork

    Mixed Country Teamwork
    Members will work ın mıxed team to create product
  • Our Final Product

    Our Final Product
    We will create an e book by usıng storyjumper.
  • Stand Presentatıon

    Stand Presentatıon
    Because of Covıd-19,members will not have an exibitıon so they will exibit their works virtually.