• 1440

    Invention of the printing 1440 by Johames Gutenberg

    Invention of the printing 1440 by Johames Gutenberg
    I think that this tecnology makes a revolution because in the past people cant read except (priests and nobility). And this invent makes that more people learn to write and read.
  • 1524

    Invention of the pockey watch in 1524 by Peter.Henlein

    Invention of the pockey watch in 1524 by Peter.Henlein
    This improve people lifes because they can know the hour all the time.
  • First telephone 1854 by Antoni Meucci

    First telephone 1854 by Antoni Meucci
    This imporves lifes people because the ¡y can call people and comunicate information with it
  • First phonoautograph in 1857 by Leon Scott

    First phonoautograph in 1857 by Leon Scott
    It was the first invent able to record audios. This object transmit infirmation in a different way and we can save audios from the past.
  • First modern computer by Konrad Zuse in 1936

    First  modern computer by Konrad Zuse in 1936
    His mane was Z1, it was the first computer able to do difficult procceses
  • First satellite 1957 by soviet union

    First satellite 1957 by soviet union
    Sputnik 1 was the first satellite i the orbit. It was able to give information about the sapace to humans and make photographs
  • First radio caset in 1962 by Philips

    First radio caset in 1962 by Philips
    This was important because people can listen music and reproduce sounds.
  • First album of music 1th of october of 1982

    First album of music 1th of october of 1982
    This improve people lifes because it was the first time that families at home can listen to music
  • Creation of the internet in 1983 by Sir tim Berbers-Lee

    Creation of the internet in 1983 by Sir tim Berbers-Lee
    This is one of the most important creations because now a days all works with internet.
  • First navegator of the world in 1990 by Berners-Lee

    First navegator of the world in 1990 by Berners-Lee
    This the oldest think that we know now a days us google or e explerer but it was worser.
  • First smart phone in 1992 by Martin Cooper

    First smart phone in 1992 by Martin Cooper
    It was the IBM simon personal comunicator the first mobile phone with tactil in this years it was a revolution because all the mobiles use keyboards.
  • First digital book in 2000

    First digital book in 2000
    It was the first novela called Riding the bullet. More people in the past can read books in a different way.
  • Creation of 5g 2019

    Creation of 5g 2019
    In 2019 huawei creat the fitst mobile phone with 5g this is a ver important progress in the ICT because now we can do face times at real time and we can operate people with it because is so fast. And also we can do calculations that before it we cant.