
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on September 18, 2006, in Supia Caldas at 6:30 in the morning at the San Lorenzo hospital.
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    My baptism was in the Guamal church, my godmother's name is Martha and my godfather's name is Muricio.
  • My first day of kindergarten

    My first day of kindergarten
    In kindergarden I was very happy, because my mother and my aunt were my teacher.
  • My first day in school

    My first day in school
    This day was a little sad, because it was the first time. I was separated from my mother for several hours.
  • My preschool grade

    My preschool grade
    This day I received my first recognition for being a good student.
  • My first communion

    My first communion
    It was a great day, I was with my family, the party was held at my grandparents' house.
  • My 15 years

    My 15 years
    This was a great day, for the first time I dyed my hair,they serenaded me, I was with my whole family sharing, I was very happy.
  • The school farewell party

    The school farewell party
    I was very happy this day with my family and my classmates. We all cried, laughed and hugged each other, it was a nice day.
  • My eleventh graduation

    My eleventh graduation
    This day was very happy for me and my family, they were proud of me for this great achievement.
  • My first trip to the sea

    My first trip to the sea
    That day I was very excited, because it was the first time I saw the sea, it was an incredible trip.
  • My first time living alone

    My first time living alone
    I was sad, because they separed mefrom my parents and my sisters, I was going to live in city without knowing anyone, but it is for my future, and I took a cat, her name is Luna.
  • My first day of university

    My first day of university
    This day I was very nervous, because it was a new place for me and I met a lot of new people.