Significant Events in Period 2 (1607-1754)

  • Period: to

    Period 2

    Begins with- British settlers starting the Jamestown settlement in the colony of Virginia.
    Ends with- The start of the French and Indian War between the British and the French
  • Jamestown

    Was the first permanent English settlement in North America founded by a joint-stock company. First settlers often died from starvation and few survived harsh winters .John Smith forceful leadership to make others work for their food kept Jamestown alive. With the establishment of Jamestown many men traveled to the new world in search for goods to become rich. 3 G's gold, glory, and god.
  • Epidemic Among natives in New England

    Epidemic Among natives in New England
    As a result of the pilgrims coming to the New World, they brought their goods and diseases with them. Therefore the natives who had no immunity towards European diseases such as smallpox caused for a large decrease in the native population from up to a 90% decrease from diseases. This resulted in the Natives having a smaller population and weak community compared to the colonists.
  • House of Burgess

    House of Burgess
    Was the first form of government in the colonies as white property owners would hold assemblies in a church at Jamestown. This was at the time the first time colonies had elected representatives and showed some order in the colonies.
  • Great Puritan Migration

    Great Puritan Migration
    Pilgrims fled from royal wrath in England and traveled to New England region forming first colonies based around the community as the the Pilgrims fled in families not in individuals.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was signed and made by Pilgrim leaders aboard their trip as they were seeking religious freedom. This was the first steps in the colonies for self-government to be formulated and enforced on the Colonies as male settlers assemble in town meetings.
  • Establishment of Bay Colony

    Establishment of Bay Colony
    John Winthrop, the first governor of the Bay Colony, declared that the purpose of the colony was to be "a city upon a hill" for they were the holy society that other colonies would look up to. They held one of the first Puritan Congregations.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    After Roger Williams was banished from the Bay Colony, Williams founded the first settlement in Providence. In other words, complete freedom of religion in Rhode Island (Colony). Religious toleration made colony more liberal thus allowing this particular colony to advance more than the other colonies. This was the first English Colony with complete Religous toreance.
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    English Parliament passes several acts in order to regulate colonial trade as all goods were intended to be for Britain and only Britain, thus enforcing their initial goal of mercantilism. This caused for many colonists to reset Britain as they were not allowed to sell their goods at a more profitable price to other countries. As a result of these acts many colonists smuggled goods which helped influence ideas of separating from Britain as the colonists were treated unfairly.
  • Half Way Covenant

    Half Way Covenant
    Drastically increased membership as individuals who were once not able to be members were allowed their membership. This was allowed due to the fact that Reverend Solomon Stoddard felt that the people of the English colonies were drifting away from their original religious purpose. Eliminated the distinction of "elect" from society.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Armed Rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governer William Berkeley. Consisted of mainly indentured servants who were promised a certain amount of land after completing their time but were handed nonarable land or no land at all. This was the turning point from indentured servants to slaves as indentured servants were no longer utilized to cultivate crops but African slave labor was widely needed.
  • King Philip's War (1675-1676)

    King Philip's War (1675-1676)
    Was an armed conflict between the New England colonists and the the Mohegans, Naragansetts, Nipmucks, Podunks, and Wampanoags. Metacom (King Phillip), leader one of the larger tribes, was frustrated with the Puritan taking their lands, so he bought together a group of tribes to attack the Puritans but ended up losing. Caused mass destruction on both sides, but as a result, the colonists had fewer conflicts with the natives due to the decrease in both populations.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    Drastically increased tension between rich and poor as most of the accused witches were the aspiring wealth people while the accusers were the working class such and farmers.
  • Virginia Slave Code

    Virginia Slave Code
    Established the agreement in Virgina that slaves were real estate property therfeoe if a slave were to run away they should be returned to their rihghtful owner. Established southern ideals of belittling African Americans and racism.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    Was the first mass social movement in American History as a large mass of individuals converted and became more active in religion again. This was due to boring sermons and Arminianism and was upheld by new styles of preaching as Jonathan Edwards famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" and George Whitefield sermons. This was the first time the colonies had differentiated themselves from the British. Influenced the start of a sense of having an American identity not British.
  • Molasses Act

    Molasses Act
    Parliment of Great Britain imposed heavy taxes on molasses, sugar, and rum imported from non-English colonies in order to control "their" commerce. This was intended to make Great Britain richer as it forced American colonies to only buy molasses from the British rather than the French. Made Americans feel dependent of Britain.
  • John Peter Zenger Trail

    John Peter Zenger Trail
    Zenger was a German immigrant that published revolutionary ideas weekly on "The New York Weekly Journal". He was arrested for libel (flase statements) and put to trial. However, he was found innocent and this trail started to illuminate the ideas of freedom of the press within some colonists.
  • Seven Year War (French & Indian War)

    Seven Year War (French & Indian War)
    War against France and Britain which ultimately led to the end of salutary neglect in 1763. This caused conflict within colonies as there was a separation between loyalists and patriots.