

By oyisg4
  • Note Taking

    Today I watched Bill Nye the Science Guy: Earth`s Crust. The video was about the Earth and it`s layers, crust, plates, volcanos. I kept notes by making a chart where I can put in key words, extra notes, and the summary.
  • Bill Nye: Volcanos

    The video was about earthquakes, what earthquakes can do, and plates. I took notes by putting my paper in to a format that allows me to take notes, write in key words, and write in a summary when I watch a video.
  • Changing the Central Idea

    Today I translated the central idea into words that grade2 might know.
    We will be learning about how natural disasters happen. We also will be learning about how people get prepared for natural disasters.
    Today I think we were in between tuning in and finding out
  • UOI Note Taking

    Today I took notes about tsunamis. I learned that a tsunami happens when 2 techtonic pltes rub togeter making energy that displaces wate and it causes a tsunami to happen.
  • My Research on Natural Disasters

    Today I reserched on the Earth's structure and my question was what is the Earth's structure. I was working on finding out because I was triyng to find the answer to my question and make it into my words by using the flip stratagy. What went well was me getting the right resources and taking info out of the book and making it into my own words.
  • My Research on Natural Disasters 2

    I could have worked on using my time wisely, because I paused a lot of times and worried about other, and not on my work so I could have worked on doing my work and not minding that much of other people's work, and what they were doing.
  • Reflection on Today's Research

    Today I did 2 questions and also got in trouble with Shinka.
    I learned that different changes in the Earth's structure can cause natural disasters.
    I can focus on my work and just not go for my knowlegde and do some research.