Peloponssiean War
- The Peloponnesian Wars started when all of Greece were influenced to go to war with the Peloponnwsian League
- I chose this event because it shows how much influence one person can have on many people
- The effect of this war caused people to spend more time outdoors
Galileo On Trial
- Galileo offended other scientist because he said heavenly bodies change and was told to obey church officals or he will be put to death
- I chose this event because it was the first divison between tradional thinkers and the new science
- The outcome of this event caused Galileo to obey the church officials
Advanced Medicine
- During the 1600s scientists advanced in medicine becauseof their research on corpes
- I chose this event because it helped
- The outcome of this helped people
English Civil War
- Parliament and the King created seperate armies and the king was caputred in 1646
- I chose this event because it was the first English Civil War
- The effect of the Civil war was victory for the Parliaments and the execution of Charles I
English Bill of Rights
- Included provisions that made Parliament stronger than the monarchy and protected the rights of individuals
- I chose this event because it had a major impact on England
- The effect of this bill took away some peoples right to vote
Biology and Medicine
- Scientist showed how living things passed their charactertistics
- I chose this event because found how diseases are cause and how to prevent them
- The effect of this event helped scientist increase life expectancy
Rise of Romanticism
- Writers began to reject Enlightement thinking and people should be ruled by their hearts
- I chose this event because it was the first time people refused Enlightenment
- The effect of this event cause poets to celebreate and write poems about it
- 1759, a canal was built to connect mines and factories
- I choose this event because it was a quicker way of transportation
- The effect of this event caused people to build canals worldwide
Steam Engine
-James Watt made a productive steam engine
- I chose this event because steam engines were a big part of Industry
- The effect of this event helped transporation and made mining more effecient -
Fall of Bastille
-Angry crowd marched to the Bastille prison fighting off the troops and successfully took down Bastille.
- I chose this event because it is an example of the people standing up and fighting
-The Fall of Bastille was imporant because it was one of the causes of the French Revolution. -
France at War
- France declared war against Austria, Prussia joined forces with Austria
- I chose this event because it was Frances first move to attack
- The effect of this war caused Prussia and Austria to advance and take over Paris
Reign of Terror
- Robespierre used the guillotine and killed over 40,000 people
- I choose this event because it was one of the causes of the revolution
- The effect of this event was the execution of Robespierre by guillotine
The Directory
-A new government established by the Constitution.
-I choose this event because it included three different branches like today
- The effect of this started to cause problems with political favors -
The Crimean War
- Cavourbelieved tough diplomancy was essential to unifaction and cause war between France and Russia
- I chose this event because it was the mark of another war
- The effect of this event was defeated for the Russians because the armies were powerful
France Prussian War
- Bismark released the telegram which insluted France and Prussias nation and they went to war
- I chose this event because it marked the second war between these two
- The effect of this event caused a defeat for France because of their army
Scramble for Africa
- Europeans were trying to capture parts of Africa because of their coast
- I chose this event because it caused a lot of problems between nations and africa
- This event caused Africans and Europeans to fight causing the death of many people
Dreyfus Affair
- Convicted of spying for Germany and sent to an isolated island -I chose this event because it shows how serious the wars were
- The effect of this event cause private documents to be released showing Dreyfus was innocent
Europeans Interest in Egypt
- Europeans gained economic and politcial influence from Egypt
- I chose this event because Europeans wanted to be like Egypt
- The effect of this event cause pressure for Egyptian leaders to follow different policies
Manchu Dynasty
- Ruled over a powerful and prosperous empire
- I chose this event because Chinese didn't let foreigners to come and settle in their land
- The effect of this event cause the Chinese to remove the heavy taxes on the peasants.
Great Famine
- Irelands potatos started to go bad and caused starvation
- I chose this event because it shows if the Irish would leave their family in a life or death situation
- The effect of this event cause many Irish to leave the land and travel to America
British East India Company
- French and Britains battled for the control of India
- I chose this event because it was a mojor market booster
- The effect of this event made more money because of the India products that were being sold
Victory for the Greeks
- Greek battled against the Salamis and the Persians
- I chose this event because it was imporant to Greek to win
- The effect of the victory of these wars ended the Persians Wars and upped Greek's confidence
Founding the Republic
- Romans overthrew the Erustrucans king and created a republic
- I chose this event because it is an imporant event in Romes history
- The effect of this cause Rome to grow rapidly
Hannibal's March
- 218 B.C Hannibal led his army from Spain into Northen Italy in hazardous winter conditions and defeated them
- I chose this event because it shows how much Rome is expanding
- The effect of this event backfired on Spain because of their citzenship