Jan 1, 1440
Printing Press invented
This date was when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This is important because the printing press allowed Martin Luther to spread his flaws with the catholic church which helped create the Catholic Reformation. -
Period: Jan 1, 1485 to
Tudor Monarchy
This is the timespan of when the Tudor Monarchy ruled England. This is important because the Tudor monarchy was one of the most influential monarchies in England. -
Jan 1, 1488
Bartholomew Dias finds tip of Africa
This was when Bartholomew Dias, a Portuguese sailor, found the tip of Africa. This was important because it showed people that there was something pass Africa, which led to the spice trade. -
Period: Jul 2, 1489 to Mar 21, 1556
Life of Thomas Cranmer
This is the lifespan of Thomas Cranmer, an English priest and the Archbishop of Canterbury. His life was important because he was one of the reasons Anglicanism was started, caused religious angst in England, and had a very influential death. -
Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus discovers the Americas
This was when Christopher Columbus, a Spanish sailor, sailed west and discovered the Americas. This is important because this caused massive amounts of colonization and led to trading routes that let resources be traded across the world. -
Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tortesillas signed
This was when the Treaty of Tortesillas was signed. This is important because it initiated the Line of Demarcation, and caused Spain to heavily colonize the west and Portugal the east. -
May 20, 1498
Vasco De Ganma finds India
This was when the Portuguese sailor Vasco De Ganma found India. This is important because this one discovery fueled the spice trade. -
Jan 1, 1512
Sistine Chapel finished
This was when the Sistine Chapel was finished being painted by Michelangelo. It is important because it is one of the most influential pieces of the Renaissance. -
Oct 31, 1517
Martin Luther posts 95 theses
This was when Martin Luther posted a pamphlet on the door of the catholic church on 95 things he found faulty about the church. This was important because this one action led to the reform of the catholic church. -
Nov 28, 1520
Ferdinand Magellan finds Straits of Magellan
This was when Ferdinand Magellan, a Spanish sailor, found the Straits of Magellan at the tip of Argentina. This is important because it was the first time someone had been there and because it was a precursor to Magellan being the first person to circumnavigate the globe. -
Jan 1, 1521
Diet of Worms
This was when the Diet of Worms happened, which confronted Martin Luther about his disagreement with the Catholic Church. This is important because Luther became an influential Protestant figure, and that happened because he won the debate against the Catholic Church. -
Jan 1, 1521
Hernan Cortez colonizes Aztecs
This was when Hernan Cortez, a Spanish Conquistador, sailed west and conquered the Aztecs. This is important because it gave Spain immense wealth and caused colonization in native areas. -
Jan 1, 1533
Francisco Pizarro conquers Incas
This was when Francisco Pizarro, a Spanish Conquistador, sailed west and conquered the Incas. THis is important because, like the Aztecs, it gave Spain immense wealth and caused colonization in native areas. -
Jun 9, 1534
Jacques Cartier finds Quebec
This was when Jacques Cartier, a French sailor, sailed north and found Quebec. This is important because this caused France to colonize Quebec and eventually all of Canada, and is the reason people in Quebec speak french. -
Jan 1, 1541
Calvinism introduced in Geneva
This was when John Calvin started the religion of Calvinism in Geneva. This is important because Calvinism became a huge religion and was the cause of many wars. -
Dec 13, 1545
Council of Trent established
This was when the Council of Trent was formed. THis is important because this council led to the reformation of the Catholic church. -
Jan 1, 1549
Book of Common Prayer made
This was when Edward VI made the Book of Common Prayer. This is important because it was one of the founding things that started Anglicanism -
Feb 24, 1558
Charles V abdicates the throne
This was when King Charles V, the king of Spain, gave up his throne. This is important because this caused a ripple of change in his empire, and caused new kings to come and start civil wars. -
Nov 1, 1558
Queen Elizabeth I enters throne
This was when Elizabeth I entered the England throne. This is important because Elizabeth I is one of the most influential monarchs of all of history. -
Jan 1, 1559
Elizabethan Compromise
This was when the Elizabethan Compromise was signed which switched the country's religion to Anglican. This is important because this was the starting point of a long-standing religious war in England. -
Aug 23, 1572
Bartholomew Day Massacre
This was when the Bartholomew Day Massacre happened, which caused many protestant deaths. This is important because this caused mass hate between Catholics and Protestants, and led to the Edict of Nantes. -
Spanish Armada sent to conquer England
This was when King Philip II, the king of Spain, sent the Spanish Armada to conquer England. This is important because this battle caused England's navy to be heavily established, and caused a religious crisis and bankruptcy in Spain. -
Dutch East India Company established
This was when the Dutch East India Company was established. This is important because the company was one of the most successful sailing companies of its time, and has had the most amount of money gained of all time, which is over 7 trillion dollars. -
Period: to
Stuart Monarchy
This is the timespan when the Stuart Monarchy ruled over England. This is important because The Stuart monarchy caused civil wars, parliamentary hate, and religious struggles in England. -
Henry Hudson finds Hudson River
This was when Henry Hudson, a Dutch sailor, sailed north and found the Hudson River. This is important because this caused Dutch colonization in those areas and caused the findings of other areas, like the Hudson Bay and the Hudson Strait. -
Period: to
The Thirty Years War
This was when the Thirty Years War happened. This is important because it caused massive amounts of deaths, religious struggles, and tensions between several countries and states in the Holy Roman Empire. -
Period: to
Rule of King Louis XIV
This timespan is when Louis XIV was king of France. This is important because Louis gave massive wealth and infrastructure to France, heavily centralized their country, but also doomed France for bankruptcy after death. -
Commonwealth established
This was when Parliament established the Commonwealth in England. This was important because it got rid of the monarchy in England. -
Edict of Nantes revoked
This was when the Edict of Nantes was revoked by King Louis XIV. This is important because it caused 200,000 Hueguenots to be expelled from France. -
Glorious Revolution
This was when the Glorious Revolution happened and when England was invaded. This is important because this was the start of the Constitutional Monarchy, and the end of the Stuart Monarchy.