
History of the Computer

  • Universal Language Theorized

    Universal Language Theorized
    Written by Alan Turing.
    I chose this becasue without a universal language, there would be no universal computer, and therefore no communication between companies and a decrease in innovation.
  • Punch Tape Computer Invented

    Punch Tape Computer Invented
    First computer (Z1) made to have compatibility with punch tape, the import device for code. Invented by Konrad Zuse.
    I chose this becuse this was the idea for a machine that can read algorithms and use the universal language recently created.
  • Punch Tape Replaced

    Punch Tape Replaced
    Import devices such as the keyboard and monitor used instead of punch cards in new macines. Douglas Engelbart.
    I chose this because these machines that we know and love today include these elements. These machines are all more user-friendly thanks to these inventions.
  • Computer Game Invented

    Computer Game Invented
    First user-responding computer game invented bySteve Russell & MIT.
    I chose this because I am surrounded by a group of people who are OBSESSED with improbements of this original game.
  • First Word Processor

    First Word Processor
    Introduced by IBM, first application to process input and edit text, save text and format as well.
    I chose this because one of the most common appications on computers today is a word processing program, used by students, teachers, buisness people, (and practically anyone else who has a computer.
  • Floppy Disc Invented

    Floppy Disc Invented
    The floppy disc was the platform in which all forms of secondary storage were based. It was made by David Noble, who worked for IBM.
    I chose this because without the idea for basic storage, we would be taking the ram sticks out of our computers everyday. Talk about inconviencence....
  • New Apple Computer Company

    New Apple Computer Company
    Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded a computer comapny, Apple. Their first computers were not sold until later, but this was the start of a corportation that would soon explode with populatiry.
    I chose this because I am a lover of Apple products, our school has a one to one program that has changed my learning experience.
  • World Wide Web Launched to Public

    World Wide Web Launched to Public
    Some of over the 45 million PC users in the United States used the world wide web with hypertext to gather information from other users.
    I chose this because as with the invension of Apple computers, I use the internet everyday. As this was the browser that started it all, 1991 was an important time in computer history.
  • First iPod Sold

    First iPod Sold
    When apple announced their first iPod, the groundbreaking technology of 2001, it changed the media world forever. People could have different songs on the same device, and it was still as portable as previous music players.
    I chose this because without this iPod, media and technology would not be what it is today.
  • Over 1 Billion Computers Sold

    Over 1 Billion Computers Sold
    Today, over a billion personal computers have been sold around the world. Wow.
    I chose this because I have contributed to this statement, and this huge humber of technologicaly revolutional devices around the world. Again, these devices have changed my life.