History of the Arab region

By frogish
  • 160

    7th century ce, the dominant religion has been Islam

  • Period: Sep 2, 1300 to


  • Sep 2, 1400

    Mongol Empire in the 13th century

  • Feb 2, 1500

    Civilsation in what are now the Arab countires ism any thousands of year old

  • the religion of Islam dates to the year 610ce

  • the religion of Islam dates to the year 610ce

  • The Islamic Empire began to fragament after the collapse of the umayyads in 750 ce

  • 750ce the Islamic Empire reached well beyoned the Arab region

  • During first world war

  • After the second world war

  • 632ce, after Muhamads death, Abu Baker was elected as the Islamis head of state

  • The fifth Caliph of th Arab Abbasied Dynasty was Harun Al Rashid ( 786-809ce)