Special Education before 1950
Before 1950 students with disabilities were excluded to attend to public schools. Children with more severe disabilities were forced to stay home or be institutionalized, students with moderate learning problems often dropped out of school before graduating. -
Brown V, Board of Education
Brown V Board of Education acknowledged as one of the greatest Supreme Court decisions of the history of education changing national and social polices. This movement help to stimulate the civil right movement and years later in the civil right act, which abolished segregation in all public facilities
(https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/supremecourt/rights/landmark_brown.html) -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This act supported initiatives to support low income families to access high quality education programs. They starting to provide free and reduced lunches and additional teacher in disadvantages communities. This act also applies to the children who need additional support to benefit from the public school. -
Educational Amendments Act
Grants federal found to states for programming for exceptional learners. Provides the first federal founding of state programs for students who are gifted and talented. -
Education for all the Handicapped Children Act
Education for all the Handicapped Children Act requires states to provide a free and appropriate public education for children with disabilities. It also requires individualized education programs (IEP's) -
Early intervention in early childhood
The amendments to the Education of the handicapped act expanded to include handicapped infants and preschool children. This endearment covered children below the age of 3. to provide early intervention for young children and their families. -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Public Law 101-476
The 1990 Amendments renamed the legislation as individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
They also added traumatic brain injury and autism to the discipline of disabilities
The amendments also expanded to tow services: social work and rehabilitation counseling.
https://www.biausa.org/public-affairs/public-policy/individuals-with-disabilities-education-act -
Education of the Handicap Act is replaced by The Individuals with Disabilities Act
Education of the Handicap Act is replaced by The Individuals with Disabilities Act. This act states that children with disabilities are entitled to have access to a free and appropriate public education regardless their abilities. (https://youtu.be/eq0pBEJoCvY) -
American Disability Act (ADA)
This act prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and protect equal opportunities to employment and public services, transportation, accommodations. The purpose of this law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights. https://adata.org/learn-about-ada -
No Child Left Behind Act
The No Child Left Behind Act is the update of the the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This No Child Left Behind Act emphasized on increase founds and new measures to hold schools accountable for their student's progress and in the role of standardized test. The US Department of Education emphasizes in four pillars with the bill: Accountability, Flexibility, Research- based education and parent options. http://www.k12.wa.us/ESEA/NCLB.aspx -
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA)
Allows districts to use response to intervention model for determining weather a child has a specific learning disability and no longer requires that a child have a severe discrepancy between achievement and intellectual ability to to qualify. This Act also adopts policies to prevent disproportionate representation of students in special education by race and ethnicity