history of psychology

By tvirts7
  • 387 BCE

    387 BC

    387 BC
    Plato had suggested the brain is the tool for mental processes
  • 335 BCE

    335 BC

    335 BC
    Aristotle had proposed the heart was the mechanism of mental processes
  • Period: 300 BCE to

    history of psychology

    the history of psychology
  • 1879 AD

    1879 AD
    Wilhelm Wundt founded the first FORMAL lab of psychology at the University of Leipzig. This was the start of the formal study of human emotions, behaviors, and cognition's.
  • 1883 AD

    1883 AD
    First psychology lab was established at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md
  • 1886 AD

    1886 AD
    Sigmund Freud began his therapy sessions in Vienna. this was the start of the personality theory
  • 1901 AD

    1901 AD
    The British psychology society was founded
  • 1905

    Alfred Binet’s Intelligence Test was published in France
  • 1906

    Ivan Pavlov published the first studies on Classical Conditioning
  • 1912

    William Stern developed the original formula for the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) after studying the scores on Binet’s intelligence test
  • 1921

    Psychological Corporation launched the first psychological test development company, not only commercializing psychological testing, but allowing testing to take place at offices and clinics rather than only at universities and research facilities.
  • 1932

    Jean Piaget published ‘The Moral Judgment of Children’ beginning his popularity as the leading theorist in cognitive development
  • 1936

    Egas Moniz published his work on frontal lobotomies as a treatment for mental illness
  • 1939

    The Canadian Psychological Associated was founded
  • 1942

    Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) was developed and fast became the most widely researched and widely accepted psychological assessment device
  • 1945

    Karen Horney published her feministic views of psychoanalytic theory, marking the beginning of feminism
  • 1950

    Erik Erikson published ‘Childhood and Society,’ where he expands Freud’s Theory to include social aspects of personality development across the lifespan
  • 1952

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was published by The American Psychiatric Association marking the beginning of modern mental illness classification
  • 1952

    Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) first used in the treatment of schizophrenia
  • 1953

    Code of Ethics for Psychologists was developed by the American Psychological Association
  • 2002

    The push for mental health parity gets the attention of the White House as President George W. Bush promotes legislation that would guarantee comprehensive mental health coverage