History of psychology

By Jiron03
  • 387 BCE


    He said that the brain is the mechanism of mental processes.
  • 335 BCE


    The heart is the machine of mental processes.
  • Period: 300 BCE to

    History of Psychology

  • Franz Mesmer

    Franz Mesmer
    Precise his cure for some mental illness, originally was called mesmerism and known as hypnosis.
  • Philippe Pinel

    Philippe Pinel
    Allow the first mental patients from confinement in the first massive development for more humane medical care of the mentally ill.
  • Franz Gall

    Franz Gall
    Franz Gall wrote about phrenology the idea that a persons skull structure and arrangement of bumps on the head that can released personalities traits.
  • Ernst Heinrich Weber

    Ernst Heinrich Weber
    announce his perception theory of ‘Just Noticeable Difference' now known as Weber's Law.
  • Phineas Gage

    Phineas Gage
    Experience brain damage when an iron pole pierces his brain. His personality changed but his intellect remained intact suggesting that an area of the brain plays a role in personality.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Announce the on Origin of species, explaining his view of evolution and expanding on the theory of ‘Survival of the fittest.'
  • French physician Paul Broca

    French physician Paul Broca
    Uncover an area in the left frontal lobe that plays a key role in language development.
  • Sir Francis Galton

    Sir Francis Galton
    He impact, Charles Darwin's Origin of Species, announces ‘Hereditary Genius,’ and argues that intellectual abilities are biological in nature.
  • Carl Wernicke

    Carl Wernicke
    Announce his work on the frontal lobe, explaining the damage to a specific area damages the ability to understand or produce language.
  • G. Stanley Hall

    G. Stanley Hall
    Delivered the first the first American Ph.D. in psychology. He later founded the American Psychological Association.
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Wilhelm Wundt founded the first formal laboratory of Psychology at the University of Leipzig.
  • Johns Hopkins

    Johns Hopkins
    The first laboratory of psychology in America was established at Johns Hopkins University.
  • howard gardner

    howard gardner
    introduced his theory of multiple intelligence, arguing that intelligence is something to be used to improve lives not to measure and quantify human beings.
  • Deep Blue Supercomputer

    Deep Blue Supercomputer
    Deep Blue, the supercomputer at the time, beats the World’s best chess player, Kasparov, marking a milestone in the development of artificial intelligence.
  • Technological emergency E-therapy

    Technological emergency E-therapy
    Psychology advances to the technological age with the emergence of e-therapy.
  • Prescription Priveleges

    Prescription Priveleges
    Psychologists in Guam gain prescription privileges for psychotropic medication
  • New Mexico

    New Mexico
    New Mexico becomes the first state to pass legislation allowing licensed psychologists to prescribe psychotropic medication.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    The push for mental health parity gets the attention of the White House as President George W. Bush promotes legislation that would guarantee comprehensive mental health coverage.