Period: 656 BCE to 661 BCE
Alī was the fourth caliph and ruled from 656 to 661. He was faced almost immediately with a civil strife and even war on many of the fronts. Many of his followers battled some of the Quraysh on one hand and the Prophets companions and wife on the other hand. They were victorious against both. Eventually Alī moved the capital of Islam to Kufa. From there they confronted the Syrian garrisons. In 661 Alī returned to Kufa and was killed by a member of the group that was against the arbitration. -
Period: 644 BCE to 656 BCE
Uthmān was the third caliph and was chosen by the elders. His rule lasted through the period of 644 to 656. During his rule the influx of wealth came into Medina and the rest of Arabia. many people also criticized him for the practice of nepotism. An opposition to him caused an uprising against him that resulted in his death. The uprising was led by Abū Bakr's son. This resulted in grave consequence for Islamic history. -
Period: 634 BCE to 644 BCE
Umar was the second caliph that ruled from 634 to 644. He also followed Abū's lead by insisting on a strong center that could preserve and keep the unity of the Islamic state. That was also the beginning of expansion. While he ruled Muslims captured Jerusalem, a place that Umar showed great respect for the houses of worship of both Jews and Christians. Islam started to spread into Syria, Persia, and even North Africa. Most Sunnis consider him to be the most successful to rule. -
Period: 632 BCE to 634 BCE
Abū Bakr
The earthly career of the prophet was followed by the caliphate of Abū Bakr. He was the first of the four caliphs that was accepted by the Sunni Muslims. He only ruled for two years and then was faced almost immediately. His greatest contribution was putting down tribal uprisings and to preserve the unity of the political entity with its capital in Medina. -
Period: 622 BCE to 661 BCE
The history of Islam can not be separated from the history of the Islamic society which has manifested in the historical origin. The history of Islamic provides something which one can situate the religion itself. This period marks the establishment of the first Islamic society in Medina. It constitutes a unique period in Islamic history.