First School Museum
The first school museum was founded in St. Louis. Since their creation school museums have used as central administrative units. Showcasing various materials such as films, slides, study prints, and charts. -
Instructional Films
Rochester New York was the first school system to use instructional films in the classroom. Thomas Edison believed films could teach any branch of human knowledge. -
Instructional Radio
Many believed the radio would revolutionize education. However, the radio had very little impact on instructional practices. -
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Instructional Radio
World War II
To train and deploy soldiers quickly, the US Army made over 400 training videos and 600 filmstrips within a two year period. It is estimated this techniques helped develop over 4 million military personnel. -
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World War II
Army half track
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Early Computers
Behavioral Objectives
In Bloom’s book taxonomy of educational objectives, he suggest that objectives could be classified according to the type of learning behaviors which led to various outcomes. -
Audio-Visual (Media)Research
With the success of audiovisual devices used in World War II, many intensive programs were conducted to research media in the decades following. Studies were directed towards identifying various features and characteristics of audiovisual materials which impact learning. -
Programmed Instruction
Driven by B.F. Skinner, programmed instruction suggested instructional materials should present small steps that require overt responses and feedback to increase a learners self-pace. -
Early Computers
One of the first uses of computers in education was Computer Assisted Instructors. Seen in both public and private education institutions. -
Instructional TV
During the 1950’s there was an increase interest in the use of TV in instructional media. Initiated by Federal Communications commission of educational channels and Ford Foundation Funding. These programs delivered all major subjects in all grades. -
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Programmed Instruction
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Written by Robert Gagne, The conditions of learning was a book that described the five outcomes of learning, which are verbal information, intellectual skills, psychomotor skills, attitudes, and cognitive strategies. -
Sputnik was the first orbiting satellite, launched by the Soviet Union. The United States reacted by pouring millions of dollars into math and science programs. Due to the quick development of many instructional materials were not effective. -
Criterion-referenced testing
Criterian and Norm Referenced
Terms coined by Robert Glaser, criterion- referenced measures were used to exam student’s entry level behavior and whether they acquired behaviors the program was designed to teach. -
Conditions of Learning
Written by Robert Gagne, The conditions of learning was a book that described the five outcomes of learning, which are verbal information, intellectual skills, psychomotor skills, attitudes, and cognitive strategies. -
Events of Instruction
Within Gagne’s book he also described nine events of instruction essential for promoting the attainment of any type of learning. -
Formative evaluation
Examples of Formative Evaluation
Formative Evaluation is a tryout and revision process used to increase a materials effectiveness prior to being produced in its final form. -
Summative Evaluation
Examples of Summative Evaluation
Summative Evaluation is the process of testing instructional materials after they are in final form. -
Instructional Design Models
During the 1970’s many branches of Instructional Design were developed. In an academic setting it was used to help faculty use media to improve the quality of instruction. In business instructional design was used to improve the quality of training. -
The use of micro-computers became popular in the educational community due to their low price, compactness, and function ability. -
Cognitive Psychology
Cognitive psychology became popular during the 1980’s. Many publications were made describing the potential applications. -
Some instructional principals associated with constructivism were solving complex and realistic problems, working in team environment to solve problems, and examining problems from multiple viewpoints. -
Since the 1990’s the increase in the use of computers and internet in instructional education was skyrocketed. Particularly in training for business and industry settings. -
I was born in Arlington, Va.