History of Healthcare timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    Ancient Egyptions

    Ancient Egyptions
    Ancient Egyptians were the earliest people known to maintain accurate health records. Also, physicians were priests who studied medicine and surgery in temple medical schools. They would use magic and medicinal plants to treat disease. In my opinion, this is important because if they weren't looking for ways to prevent diseases then more people would die and not live as long. These people expanded their life span by about 10 years just by studying medicine and treating diseases.
  • 1700 BCE

    Ancient Chinese

    Ancient Chinese
    Ancient Chinese believed in the need to treat the whole body by curing the spirit and nourishing the body. They used and recorded new medicine such as pharmacopeia which was a medcine based mainly on herbs and moxibustion which is a treatment when a powdered substance is placed on the skin and burns it. This is important to me because they are trying to find new ways to cure diseases. This is a good start to understanding why diseases happen and the treatments that work and don't work.
  • 1200 BCE

    Ancient Greeks

    Ancient Greeks
    Biochemist Alcmaeon identified the brain as a physiological site of senses, called the Father of Medicine. This developed an organized method to observe the body, recorded signs and symptoms of many diseases, and created a high standard of ethics. They also stressed diet and cleanliness as ways to prevent disease. This is very important because finding ways to prevent diseases needed to be done in order for people to live longer. Also, stressing a healthy diet can help with the way people feel.
  • 752 BCE

    Ancient Romans

    Ancient Romans
    Ancient Romans were the first to organize medical care by providing care for injured soldiers. They began public health and sanitation systems such as sewers to carry waste materials away from the cities and filtering systems in public baths to prevent disease. Providing health care for soldiers is super important because they're helping their families and they need to be healthy in order to fight to the best of their ability. Also, public sanitation is very important to keep the area clean.
  • 400 BCE

    Dark Ages

    Dark Ages
    In the Dark Ages, the study of medicine was prohibited. Prayer and divine intervention were used to treat illness and disease because no one could study medicine anymore. The life span went down 5-10 years during this time. I think this is important because it's good to know that the study of medicine went and came back at times which made it harder for people to live back then. It's also important to know that logical and cultural things died out during this time.
  • 800

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    During this time, they renewed interest in the medical practice of the Greeks and Romans. There were multiple diseases dispersing which were killing 3/4 of the population of Europe and Asia. Even though there was a pandemic, they found out a lot of information about why diseases were spreading and what part of the body was causing it. I think this is important because it gives us a good background of when physicians started gaining the knowledge to find out about the human body.
  • 1350


    The rebirth of the science of medicine occurred. The development of the printing press allowed knowledge to be more easily spread to others. Michael Servetus described the circulatory system in the lungs, Roger Bacon promoted chemical remedies to treat disease. In my opinion, this is one of the most important times because so many intelligent people were able to open up and make new inventions that are still being built today. So much creativity and curiosity were sprouting.
  • 16th and 17th century

    16th and 17th century
    During this time, Ambroise Pare, Gabriel Fallopius, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, and many more people discovered multiple concepts about the human body as well as inventions like the microscope. The microscope is one of the best inventions because it allowed scientists to see cells, bacteria, and other small structures. This is a very important time for people the microscope is a tool that every scientist needs to find new bacteria, or other things wrong with little particles the human eye cant see.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek

    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
    He is one of the several individuals who are called the "Father of Microbiology" because he discovered bacteria and other microscopic organisms. He was the first to record microscopic observations on muscle fibers, blood vessels, and spermatozoa. His discoveries are the basis for microbiology today. This, in my opinion, is one of the most important historical events in healthcare. It helps us observe the human body to find diseases, and also can detect bugs, water, and other similar substances.
  • 18th century

    18th century
    Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first mercury thermometer, Joseph Priestley discovered the element oxygen, John Hunter established scientific surgical procedures, Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals for glasses and many more. These include historical events of health care. This is so important because physicians gained an increased knowledge of the human body and little details about the inside. This is a very well-known time since a lot of these things they invented are still used today.
  • Rene Laennec

    Rene Laennec
    He is the "Father of Pulmonary Diseases", and invented the stethoscope which began as a piece of rolled paper and evolved into a wooden tube that physicians inserted into their ears. He listened to the various sounds made by the heart and lungs. He also diagnosed many medical conditions such as bronchiectasis, melanoma, cirrhosis, and more. This is major because made an invention to look into the heart and lungs which are very sensitive areas in the human body.
  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    She is the founder of modern nursing. During the war, Nightingale fought for the reform of the military hospitals and improved healthcare. She highly encouraged efficiency and cleanliness in the hospitals because she thought that dirtiness was a huge factor in the soldiers getting sick. Her biggest accomplishment was starting the Nightingale Training School for nurses I think she is super important because she had a huge impact on healthcare and any of her principles are still being used today.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    "Father of Microbiological Sciences and Immunology" because of his work with the microorganisms that cause disease. He developed the germ theory and the process of pasteurization, vaccination, and fermentation. His principles for sanitation helped control the spread of disease and provided ideas about how to prevent diseases. In my opinion, he's very important since diseases were so common back then and more deadly, he was able to save millions of lives by seeing the cause of diseases.
  • Gregory Mendel

    Gregory Mendel
    Gregory Mendel established the principles of heredity and dominant/recessive patterns. He discovered these as he was experimenting with pea plant breeding. I think knowing genetics is so important because if a disease shows up in the family that no one remembers anyone having, physicians can look back at genetics to see if it was common in the family. This idea is so good for promoting health and preventing diseases within a family.
  • Clara Barton

    Clara Barton
    She is the founder of the American Red Cross and during American Civil War, she volunteered to provide aid to wounded soldiers. She appealed to the public to provide supplies and, after collecting the supplies, personally delivered them to soldiers of both the north and south. Clara Barton is amazing because she is so well-known for what she's done. I think she deserves so much credit because she did so many things for other people even if they were on opposing sides like the north and south.
  • Sir Alexander Flemming

    Sir Alexander Flemming
    He is important because he discovered penicillin. It's a type of antibiotic to help people when they are fighting an infection like pneumonia. This is one of the first few medicines that are still common today which is really cool. This is important in my opinion because he changed the world of medicine completely and helped people fight off things that couldn't be done with just the human body.
  • Francis Crick and James Watson

    Francis Crick and James Watson
    They shared the Nobel Prize with Maurice Wilkins for discovering the structure of DNA. They built many 3-dimensional figures in order to figure DNA out. They discovered that the structure of DNA is a double helix, similar to the gently twisted ladder. Their model provided motivation for research in molecular genetics and biochemistry. They are important because they gave more information on the rise of modern molecular biology.
  • 20th century

    20th century
    In the 20th century, many vaccines were developed and the life span was increased by 20 years. There was a lot of research into the causes of infectious diseases. A lot of antibiotics were made which helped the life span as well. The 20th century was very important because a lot of inventions were made in society. I think this is good because it allowed people to make new ideas and dig deep into medicine and vaccines.
  • End of 20th century

    End of 20th century
    At the end of the 20th century, technology increased a lot because of the knowledge gained from people. It was made so every individual would have access to healthcare knowledge. This is very important in my opinion because everyone could use technology to look up health care concerns or contact someone if needed.
  • 21st century

    21st century
    There were many potential things for the 21st century such as cures for AIDS, cancer, heart disease, and many more. These inventions could possibly expand the life span to live for 90-100 plus years. These new inventions have really helped people live and the antibiotics have been able to not allow pathogens to develop resistance. This is very important because the life span has increased by so much which is really good for older people. Also having cures for cancer can decrease pain.