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History of Educational Technology

  • 400 BCE

    Plato's Dialogues

    Plato's Dialogues
    Plato documents and Socrates' teachings. Redelivery of knowledge is not dependent on the teacher.
  • 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Gutenberg's invents the mechanized printing press and this invention had a huge impact on education. Additionally, massive increase in access to books and knowledge.
  • Magic Lantern

    Magic Lantern
    Early 1800s, individual slates were used. Then, In 1870, technology advanced to include the Magic Lantern, a primitive version of a slide projector that projected images printed on glass plates. One of the main purposes of “Magic Lantern” is to use for education in terms of access to visual media.
  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio in 1896. It provided great access to people with broadcasting information. In addition, teachers used radio to listen to the educationa programs and subjects.
  • Period: to

    Audiovisiual Age

    In 1920, motion pictures were invented to tell old stories with visuals to make it more clear. In 1927, first television was invented by by Philo Taylor Farnsworth. In 1930, the film stript projector was used to create an audio-visual learning experience. Finally, in 1940, Finally, 1940 year was the time to develop the EdTech much better and started to use overhead projectors that are invented to provide better education for children.
  • Programmed Instruction

    Programmed Instruction
    Programmed Instruction was designed by B.F.Skinner which is a new technique presents all the topics and allows students to work by themselves, at the same time, gives the chance to evaluate the process. Moreover, Jean Piaget: cognitive constructivisim; assimilation and accommodation. Lastly, in 1956, Benjamin Bloom: development of Bloom's Taxonomy.
  • Period: to

    Writing Objectives

    Vgotsky - social constructivism; zone of proximal development, and scaffolding instruction. Later, in the 70s, the VCR and VHS TAPE were occupied.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    During this period, students had access to the AUDIO TAPE. Moreover, educational software and games were produced to maintain the process. First "USENET" was established in 1980. People started to discuss thousands of subjects electronically all around the world.
  • Internet - Computer Age

    Internet - Computer Age
    Students have access to a computer that could turn theories into practice. Furthermore, Intelligent Board is an interactive whiteboard produced. 1995 is considered as Digital Age since thanks to the Internet teachers and students progressed the interaction between them globally.
  • Interactive Age

    Interactive Age
    During this time, we can see that the world advanced educational technology in which had different types of learning methods. Additionally, SMART Response PE, Laptops, Document Camera, SMART Response Xe are being used for educational purposes.

    Davydov, V. V. (1995). The Influence of L. S. Vygotsky on Education Theory, Research, and Practice. Educational Researcher, 24(3), 12–21.

    Image by Scotto72 from Pixabay (all pics from pixabay)

    Image by Jpa1999
    Image by Suricoma
    Image by Grafissimo
    Image by VectorMine
    Image by MarkPiovesan
    Image by Rolaks
    Image by Gorodenkoff
    Tony Bates: