Period: 550 BCE to 401 BCE
Likely beginning
the Elder Sphists; Protagoras, Gorgias, Prodikos, Hippias, and Thrasymachus; become the first recorded instance of mass instruction. -
Period: 1101 to 1300
Scholastic Method
an intellectual movement in Europe that ultimately transformed some of the european schools into universities. the movement began by interpretation of scripture -
Period: to
According to Comenius
Momenius began writing textbooks. He also felt that "education as a means of preparing men to live as human beings rather than as a means of fitting them into a predetermined occupation or station." He also wanted education based on ability instead of social standing
He also proposed a system of kindergarten through university -
Invention of the Steam Engine
the first pratical sationary steam engine by Thomas Newcomen
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Thomas-Newcomen -
Period: to
Lancasterian System
the Lancasterian system was the forerunner of modern educational technology. the idea of the system was an economy of scale. how to teach the most number of students for the cheapest cost. thought given to the physical space, the slates, blackboards, lighting, etc.
it was not rooted in sound educational research, but was still the beginning of modern schools in the US -
Period: to
Pestalozzianism in the united States
The idea behind this method was that learning needed to contain visual elements, that text was simply not enough for children to learn.
this evolved into object teaching and "practical" learning. -
First Telegraph message
start of the communications revolution
http://www.history.com/topics/inventions/telegraph -
First US Kindergarten
school founded in watertown wisconsin as a german-speaking kindergarten. -
Period: to
Froebel Kindergarten
designed education to appear ot the children as play. consisting of 3 aspects
1) games and songs
2) construction
3) gifts and occupations a lot of Froebel's ideas carry over into modern kindergartens -
Radio invented
Marconi sends radio waves across atlantic ocean
https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1909/marconi-bio.html -
first catalog of instructional films published
Period: to
Audiovisual instruction movement
increased interest in radio, sound recording, and sound motion pictures became of interest in education -
Department of Visual Instruction
the three professional organization for visual instructio merged to consolidate leadership and at the time was under the NEA -
Period: to
Television explosion
during this time period the FCC set aside channels for educational programing and the ford foundation provided funding for lots of stations to "quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively satisfy the nation instructional needs." a significant portion of this programming was closed circuit broadcast of classrooms.
towards the end of this period funding and interest shifted away from the classroom and onto cultural and informational presentations as a whole. -
Period: to
during this time computers were beginning to hit the mainstream markets and everyone was sure that computers would "revolutionize" education. schools started to install computers with it reaching the height of one computer for every 9 students; however, impact was minimal -
B.F. Skinner
minor revolution in program instruction. Skinner stated that "such materials should present instruction in small steps, require overt responses to frequent questions, provide immediate feedback, and allow for learner self pacing." -
Change in name
the Department of Audiovisual instruction changed its name to what is know today, the Association for Education Communication and Technology -
Apple 1 launched
Period: to
Internet age
with the continued lowering of cost for computing and the advent of the internet more schools had computers and institutions of higher education began introducing distance learning courses offered on line. however, the presence of technology didn't mean use or proper use of it.