History of Educational Technology

By wooper
  • Pencil

    ...or rather the pencil as we know it. Pencils had been around since the 16th Century, but a man named Hymen Lipman added the eraser in 1858. The ability to erase mistakes on paper revolutionized the classroom.
  • School Slate

    School Slate
    Revolutionized the classroom: "if the result of the work should, at any time, be found infelicitous, a sponge will readily banish from the slate all disheartening recollections, and leave it free for new attempts." -J.H.Stickney, superintendent of Boston Training School, 1870
  • Magic Lantern

    Magic Lantern
    The Magic Lantern projected images from a glass slide onto a screen using a candle and magnifying lens, truly revolutionizing the classroom.
  • Chalkboard

    The only pre-1900's piece of technology included on the list, and one that is still around (for now), the chalkboard revolutionized the classroom.
  • Film Projector

    Film Projector
    “Books will soon be obsolete in schools. Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye.” -Thomas Edison. The film projector allowed students to see concepts in motion, which revolutionized the classroom.
  • Educational Radio Broadcasts

    Educational Radio Broadcasts
    First attempted by NYC's Board of Education and later brought to millions of students, radio broadcasts allowed students to listen to lessons from top educators from their very own classrooms- which were, of course, revolutionized by the invention,
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    The overhead projector eliminated the need for pages of pre-written notes, as the teacher could simply wipe off and reuse plastic transparencies, revolutionizing the classroom.
  • HP Personal Computer

    HP Personal Computer
    A real game-changer, the introduction of the personal computer to schools allowed students to use interactive software to learn. This invention revolutionized the future of the classroom.
  • VHS tapes

    VHS tapes
    VHS tapes allowed for the recording and playback of broadcasted television shows, allowing teachers to use and reuse informational videos and revolutionizing the classroom.
  • Scantron

    Scantron created special, machine-readable paper, which allowed a great volume of multiple-choice tests to be graded quickly and efficiently. This invention revolutionized standardized testing and, in turn, the classroom.
  • Interactive Whiteboard Software

    Interactive Whiteboard Software
    With the invention of the interactive whiteboard, students could now interact with their lessons rather than simply observe them, which revolutionized thoughts about teaching styles, technology, and the classroom.
  • Apple iPad and Tablet PCs

    Apple iPad and Tablet PCs
    More and more schools are making the switch from bulky, costly textbooks to digital-formatted E-books. One tablet can store a student's entire course load of books, which is revolutionizing the classroom.